The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 353 Lost contact at a critical moment

Chapter 353 Lost contact at a critical moment

Wu Jie looked at the nursery rhyme and lowered his eyes, and said: "Don't worry about the nursery rhyme, the boss will definitely not let you sing it alone, after all, everyone in the school knows that this is a duet song, if you sing it alone, There are some gossips at school who don't know what to say about you."

In fact, what Wu Jie really wants to say is that this is not a matter of one person singing and two singing, the point is, confession...

If the boss doesn't show up, then the confession that has been prepared for so long will be in vain.

The boss asked him to accompany the nursery rhymes here, and then disappeared. There were only three shows and it was up to them to play. If they can't find anyone, what should they do?

After thinking about it, Wu Jie took out his mobile phone and sent Sun Yi a WeChat message.

Wu Jie: Little grandson, is the boss with you?

Sun Yi: No, I'm with Xiaojian.

Wu Jie: Boss's phone is off, it's gone!
Seeing this, Sun Yi felt anxious, and then replied: Don't panic, I will go to the technical department staff of their company to see if he is there.

After quitting WeChat, Sun Yi ran towards where Xiao Liu and the others were.

Xiao Liu was sitting in the RV, which was full of computers and various instruments. Seeing Sun Yi coming in, Xiao Liu took off his earphones and asked, "Student, who are you looking for?"

Sun Yi looked at the RV, and there were only a few staff members inside, so he said, "I'm looking for Xiao Yijin."

"Second Young Master?" Qiangzi yawned: "Didn't Second Young Master go to see the guest official?"

"No, it's time for them to play soon, but we can't get in touch with him." As soon as Sun Yi heard Qiangzi's words, he knew that the matter was in sight, and he lost contact at the critical moment, so what should I do if I confess... confess?

Xiao Liu hurriedly called, but the phone was turned off.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, it was over...

Another show ended, and the cheers outside were one after another, Xiao Yijin... where did she go...

As time passed, Xiao Yijin did not come back after all.

The staff came in and said, "Tongyao, you guys are coming up next, Wu Jie, you can also prepare."

Wu Jie stood up: "Okay."

Looking sideways at Tong Yao's calm face, Wu Jie didn't know how to comfort Tong Yao, and he didn't expect that the boss would suddenly lose the chain at the critical moment.

The three of them were arranged by the boss to play, and the boss was not around, so they had to go up, and Tong Yao couldn't go up alone.

Wu Jie went backstage to change clothes, Xiaojian and Sun Yi were also there.

Then he walked over and asked, "You two, who can sing the song of the boss and the others? This is originally a love song duet. If the boss is not around, it would be a bit embarrassing to let the nursery rhyme sing alone?"

Hearing this, Sun Yi shook his head: "Forget it, the three of us are tone-deficient, and we'll ruin the song if we sing it. It's better to let her sing it alone."

Xiaojian: "I feel sorry for nursery rhymes. If she sings alone, Zhuang Xinyu and the others don't know how to ridicule her. They must say that she was abandoned by the boss in public..."

Wu Jie: "Forget it, let's change clothes first."

Turning his head to look at the three big snow monster dolls standing beside him, the three of them sighed and burrowed in...

Xiaowen: "The next program, everyone's most anticipated love song duet, comes from our campus top ten singer Xiao Yijin and nursery rhyme, "The Stars Are You"."

After the words fell, there was thunderous applause.

The lights dimmed, Wu Jie and the three of them took the stage first, and then under the attention of everyone, Nursery Rhyme walked onto the stage alone.

(End of this chapter)

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