Chapter 354 My Lady, I Am Lovesick By One Inch

She walked to the middle of the stage calmly and stood still by herself.

The scene suddenly exploded.

"Isn't it a love song duet? Why is there only one person?"

"Sing nursery rhymes alone?"

"Could it be that you had a hasty quarrel with Colonel Xiao before going on stage?"

"If I was thrown down by someone in public, I would be so embarrassed that she would come up."

"Oh my god, she was abandoned by Senior Xiao, right? So, do I have another chance?"


Zhuang Xinyu originally wanted to read the jokes of the nursery rhymes, but now seeing Xiao Yijin disappear, it suits her even more.

Holding the microphone with both hands, Tong Yao looked around for a long time, but she didn't see Xiao Yijin.

Thinking of the scene of them rehearsing together, Tong Yao's heart felt empty.

She is a nursery rhyme, there is nothing that cannot be faced alone.

Taking a deep breath, Nursery Rhyme nodded slightly towards the boy playing the accompaniment.

The boy made an OK gesture, and the prelude sounded softly...

The choreography on the stage changed. On the empty stage, there was misty mist, and bamboo forests... birds... flowers and plants... appeared slowly.

These avatars and 3D images, which would only appear in large-scale TV shows, actually appeared in front of them.

Some look so incredible.

Nursery rhyme stands in it, beautiful like a dream...

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful... Isn't this Xianmeng game company too generous?"

"What game company's big money, I think it's Xiao Yijin's big money, otherwise why these effects only appear on their programs..."

"It feels like watching a concert, exciting."


As time passed by, the nursery rhyme slowly opened its mouth: "The shadows of the flowers are lingering, the moon is like frost; the mind is calm, and the wind blows and ripples..."

Just as the nursery rhyme was about to sing the next sentence, in the dark night, a blue light source lit up, and a familiar voice slowly came from the air: "Recalling the past, the world of mortals is like a dream, you are like a star, and the star is like you..."

Hearing the sound, everyone raised their heads abruptly, and saw Xiao Yijin walking through the air in an ancient costume, with a blue phoenix under her feet...

"Ahhh! Oh my god, this avatar is so realistic, this phoenix... so fucking cool..."

Seeing this, Wu Jie cursed directly: "Boss is really too shameless, even if he wants to make an appearance, he has to give us some relief, I'm almost dying of anxiety."

Scared by the scene in front of me, the nursery rhyme almost didn't pick up the following song...

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and did not make any mistakes.

But looking at the phoenix fluttering its wings in the night sky, Nursery Rhyme was a little puzzled. There are many phoenix mounts in the game, but there is only one blue phoenix in the whole server, which is the exclusive mount of Yicun Acacia.

Staring blankly at the person staying in the air, Tong Yao only felt that the question she had been struggling with seemed to have an answer at this moment.

Xiao Yijin... It's an inch of lovesickness!
The suspicion in her heart...was right.

After the first song fell, Xiao Yijin slowly flew up to the stage, and he slowly stepped forward, holding Tongyao's hand.

After the two sang the song, before the accompaniment fell, Xiao Yijin raised her hand lightly, and three figures appeared in the air.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Guests can't be in love with Yicun!"

The other figure was the child of the two.

Afterwards, Xiao Yijin knelt down to the nursery rhyme Dan Qi, raised the microphone to her mouth and said word by word: "Lady, I am Lovesickness Inches, I have come to give you a thousand miles away."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was boiling.

Zhuang Xinyu was stunned, Xiao Yijin... was an inch of lovesickness...

(End of this chapter)

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