The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 355 Zhuang Xinyu is your ex-wife?

Chapter 355 Zhuang Xinyu is your ex-wife?
"Ahhh! My God, my God!"

"Damn it, I figured it out, Xiao Dashen did so much just for routine nursery rhymes!"

"The country owes me Xiao Yijin!"

"I also seem to be tricked like this!"

"Mo Dan, those people who clamored that the nursery rhyme married Yicun Xiangsi was to give Xiao Yijin a cuckold, do their faces hurt now?"


The audience in the audience responded enthusiastically, but the expression on Nursery not so pretty...

Xiao Yijin was afraid that the nursery rhyme would get angry, so she continued to explain: "Ugly girl, please forgive me for telling you my identity in this way, this is the first time I like a girl, and I don't know what I should do right, so I Do as much as I can, give you everything you like..."

"I used to think that I would never fall in love with a woman in my life, but later, I met you, and my reason ran away from home. When I heard that the engagement was about to be terminated, I ran out desperately. Unkempt, running off slippers, like a madman..."

"At that time, I didn't understand why I was like this. Later, I understood that it was my heart that drove me to do this. If I don't go, you and I will have nothing to do. I can't pester you anymore. I don't want my world without you……"

"I don't do anything to lie to you. I just hope to make you like me a little bit. In this way, when I confess my love, the possibility of my success will be a little higher. You can give me a chance, once... protect your that okay?" After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, a sea of ​​flowers bloomed out of thin air on the stage, enveloping the two of them.

Qiangzi leaned on the car and sighed: "I didn't expect that the second young master actually arrested a member of our technical department in order to chase girls, and put them in place to do these special effects... Shouldn't we be typing codes hard in the office? Is it?"

Xiao Liu gently pushed his eyes: "As long as there is money to make, everything is easy to talk about."

Everyone: "..."

Tong Yao lowered her head and looked at the man in front of her.

Couldn't speak for a long time.

This guy knew that he was a guest officer a long time ago, right?

He ran to his live broadcast room to reward...

He made a bet with himself inexplicably...

He is arguing every day to send thousands of miles away...

It's no wonder that as long as I tell Yicun Xiangsi that I'm going to eat, I'm sure to meet him in the cafeteria after I'm offline...

No wonder he didn't believe it at all when he said that Yicun Xiangsi was a greasy uncle...

No wonder he got married to someone, he was not only not jealous but also very happy, because that person was him...

He left his mark in his own life, even in the game.

It is really enough for a man to do this for himself...

If it was to give him a chance, she was actually... willing.

Seeing the nursery rhyme not talking for a long time, Xiao was a little panicked.

Seeing this situation, Wu Jie suddenly shouted: "Together together!"

The people who eat melons immediately echoed: "Together together!"

A few teachers sitting in the front row watching silently nodded: "Young man, you really know how to play."

Jiang Ya sat down anxiously, afraid that the nursery rhyme would directly reject Xiao Yijin with a single sentence.

After all, the emotional intelligence of their fairies is sometimes really worrying.

Tong Yao was about to speak, but her eyes inadvertently fell on Zhuang Xinyu who was standing by the side of the stage.

Her gaze sank slightly.

Then Liang swished and said, "Xiao Yijin, is Zhuang Xinyu your ex-wife?"

Hearing this, Wu Jie and the others were startled, it's over, it's going to be cold...

How could they forget this...

 Hey, thirty watch, good morning!
(End of this chapter)

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