The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 356 Your domineering president is already online

Chapter 356 Your domineering president is already online
Looking at Tong Yao's gloomy eyes, Xiao Yijin's back was sweating coldly.

Originally, he didn't have much memory of Zhuang Xinyu, but after being busy these few days, he completely forgot about this person.

This... what can I do now?
In any case... the most important thing is to take people down first, and it's easy to explain after getting off the stage.

Thinking of this, Xiao's eyes sank, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

Everyone stared at the two on the stage, and Xiao Liu's heart hung in his throat.

It's not going to be cold, is it?

Everyone was eager to see through, and the surroundings gradually became quiet.

Tong Yao was about to speak when Xiao Yijin, who was kneeling on one knee, suddenly stood up and hugged her by the waist!

"You!" Tong Yao just opened his mouth, and someone lowered his head and gave a light kiss, directly blocking all the words that Tong Yao had reached his mouth.


"Damn it, it's too rigid!"

"I really didn't expect that our Colonel Xiao is so domineering, and has a sense of sight of a domineering president!"

"I feel like I'm in a fake relationship."


Before the words could be uttered, Xiao Yijin carried Tong Yao off the stage.

The audience kept booing, and Nursery Rhyme felt even more embarrassed, and directly covered his face with his hand.

Xiao Yijin, this stinking and shameless person, actually forcibly kissed her in front of so many teachers and students in the school!


She is shameless!
Xiao Yijin put the nursery rhyme on the ground, and hearing the cheers behind her, she felt even more embarrassed, so she turned her back to Xiao Yijin.

Wu Jie and the others followed, Tong Yao's face flushed, Xiao Liu and the others were very sensible, and turned around obediently.

It was as if they hadn't seen the two of them.

Tong Yao blushed and reached out to wipe her mouth, but Xiao Yijin grabbed her hand: "Ugly girl, when I was looking for love, I didn't even know that Zhuang Xinyu was the tenderness of my life."

"I can testify to this." Seeing Xiao Yijin circling in a hurry, Wu Jie took off the snow monster headgear on his head, and said with a smile: "At that time, the boss was surrounded by a group of female players every day, and he was almost bored to death. Yes, and then the little grandson proposed to find a love affair as a shield, and then the boss really went, he stood on the wall of Jiuyou City, and said that he would find someone to make love with whoever came over after dozens of times, and then... ...I saw Zhuang Xinyu..."

Speaking of this, Sun Yi timidly moved in front of Tong Yao, and took off his hood: "Tong Yao, in the final analysis, I am also responsible for this matter."

Looking at the two people in front of her, Tong Yao blinked her eyes: "Who are you?"

Wu Jie raised his hand weakly: "I am Kidney Treasure."

Sun Yi: "I am Superman."

Xiaojian: "I'm the one who's left besides them."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

So, these few people knew their true identities from the beginning, and then they were all working together to fool her?


Looking at Tong Yao's cold eyes, Sun Yi immediately said: "Tong Yao, we didn't mean to lie to you, but we have known the boss for more than two years, and this is the first time we have seen him treat a girl so hard, so we also Want to help him."

Wu Jie: "But he is too much. We only found out your real identity not long ago. He has been hiding it from us. I once fought for you and almost beat him up!"


Xiao gave Wu Jie a cold look, but this guy was still speaking for himself.

Forget it, forgive him this time.

Xiaojian: "Nursery rhyme, our boss has changed a lot for you in the past half semester. If this is not love, then I really don't know what is love. We sincerely can give him a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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