The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 357 You Are Responsible To Our Father And Son

Chapter 357 You Are Responsible To Our Father And Son

Looking at the sincere eyes of the three people in front of him, Tong Yao turned around and looked up at Xiao Yijin.

She didn't think there was anything between Xiao Yijin and Zhuang Xinyu, but she thought that Zhuang Xinyu was called Xiao Yijin's husband for the first time she saw Zhuang Xinyu, which made her very upset, very, very upset.

Xiao Yijin was sweating from seeing the nursery rhyme, and she didn't dare to say a word for a long time, for fear that she would accidentally blow up the nursery rhyme again.

After preparing the confession for so long, it was actually messed up by Zhuang Xinyu...

Wu Jie and the others winked and signaled Xiao Yijin to speak quickly, but Xiao Yijin's mind went blank, and he didn't know what to say at all.

Under the gazes of several people, Xiao finally opened his mouth coldly: "Ugly girl, we already have children, you can't be so irresponsible and leave us father and son alone."

Wu Jie and the others: "..."

At critical moments, their boss will lose the chain.

What does this say.

The nursery rhyme is also a little speechless, "Children, that is fictional."

"No, it's not virtual. You close your eyes and spread your hands, and you'll be able to touch him in a while." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, she gave him a disgusted look.

This guy is getting more and more unprofessional.

"Ugly girl, give me a chance. You close your eyes, and it will be fine soon, just a few seconds." Xiao Yijin coaxed softly, which made Wu Jie and the three of them get goosebumps all over.

Tong Yao couldn't help shaking, and closed her eyes: "It's alright, alright, please change back to your normal voice."

Seeing Tong Yao closing his eyes cooperatively, he opened his hands, and Xiao Liu quickly took out something from the car and handed it to Xiao Yijin.

Wu Jie and the others couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw the little thing in Xiao Yijin's hand.

She closed her eyes and waited for a while, just when Tong Yao was about to open her eyes, the furry touch came from her palm, she opened her eyes cutely, and a small puppy appeared in her palm.

This is a little husky that is only over a month old. It looked at nursery rhyme with big blue eyes, and nursery rhyme's heart melted in a second. Isn't this the little erha she wants so much?
Looking at the guy's arrogant expression and big blue eyes, he must be of royal blood!

After rubbing the soft little guy for a long time, Tong Yao directly hugged Gouzi tightly: "Okay, for Gouzi's sake, I will give you a chance and give you a three-month probationary period."

After finishing speaking, Tong Yao hugged the dog and left, while walking, she was still thinking: "My little cutie, it must be cold, mom will protect you..."

A three-month inspection period?
To put it bluntly, that means agreeing.

He will definitely become a regular within three months.

Xiao Yijin smiled and snapped her fingers, "Call work."

Seeing this, Wu Jie grabbed Xiao Yijin in confusion: "Boss, if I knew nursery rhymes like dogs so much, wouldn't it be better if you showed them?"

"Even if there is no Gouzi, she will agree, Gouzi just enhances the favorability." After speaking, she hummed a song happily and left. After walking a few steps, she turned back and said, "Why are you in a daze, can't you eat the big meal?" have eaten?"

Sun Yi and the others nodded quickly: "Eat."

Tong Yao was walking back with the dog in her arms, Jiang Ya was waiting for her outside with the clothes she had changed, and when she saw her carrying the dog, Jiang Ya couldn't help shouting: "Tong Yao, where did you get the dog from? The dormitory Don’t let the dog owner know? If the housekeeper finds out, we will be finished!”

(End of this chapter)

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