Chapter 358 Is This a First Date?

Hearing Jiang Ya's words, Tong Yao took the bag in her hand, and put the dog in: "Let's raise it first, and if it really fails, I'll send it to grandpa."

"Oh, the confession that Senior Colonel Xiao made to you just now is so romantic, if someone confesses to me like this, I will tell him without hesitation for a moment, I am willing!" Jiang Ya dangled excitedly holding the nursery rhyme arm Go, seeing the nursery rhyme did not speak, she asked again: "Did you promise him?"

"Yeah." Tong Yao nodded slightly.

"Ah! Really? That's great, I'm so happy for you!" Jiang Ya hugged Tong Yao excitedly. She was really afraid that Tong Yao hesitated and flinched. Fortunately, she finally agreed.

Seeing Jiang Ya's excited look, Tong Yao's eyes sank slightly, perhaps in this world, no one can do better than him.

She should be braver.

You can't completely close yourself off because of the past.

Tong Yao's heart was indeed a little uncomfortable with Zhuang Xinyu and Xiao Yijin's previous game relationship, but getting married and divorced in the game were all normal things.

She can judge whether it is true or false, and even if she feels upset, she also knows that there must be nothing between these two people.

So she was going to give him a chance on the stage, but who knew... At the critical moment, he actually attacked him in public.

Smuggled the dog into the dormitory.

Before going to bed, Xiao Yijin sent a text message to Tong Yao: "Good night, lady."

Tong Yao looked at the four simple words, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Because of the ancient costume at the Christmas party, the nursery rhymes became popular again. Some marketing accounts on Weibo posted her photos, and the popularity of her already popular live broadcast room skyrocketed.

Overnight, her number of followers doubled.

The school is officially closed for review, and the final exam will start in one week.

Even Tong Yao, who has always been lazy, had to force herself to be diligent. Seeing Jiang Ya carrying her bag and preparing to go out, Tong Yao sat up from the bed, "Jiang Ya, let me go to self-study with you."

Jiang Ya turned her head in surprise, and exaggeratedly rubbed her ears: "I heard that right, right? Our internet-addicted girl is going to study in the self-study room?"

"I don't want to fail the exam either. I have to cram for a while. Wait for me. I'll wash my face and go together." After Tong Yao finished speaking, she got dressed and got off the bed.

Who knew that Jiang Ya would say in a cool voice: "My family's great talent wants to study with me, so fairy, you don't want to be our light bulb, otherwise... you can ask Senior Colonel Xiao to accompany you to study together."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

She didn't expect that she was rejected.

"You're a guy who values ​​sex more than friends." Nursery rhyme read aloud, and was about to wash up when the phone rang.

She ran to the bed and picked up her phone to see that it was Xiao Yijin's call. She answered it with a light swipe of her finger: "Hello."

"Lazy pig, get up, I'll take you to self-study." Xiao Yijin's cheerful voice came from the phone, Tong Yao ran to the balcony to look down, and saw Xiao Yijin standing downstairs in the dormitory with her bag on her back.

Xiao Yijin didn't hear the nursery rhyme's reply for a long time, so Xiao Yijin smiled and said, "What's the matter? Are you dizzy by my handsomeness?"

Nursery Rhyme: "Cut."

After speaking, Tong Yao hung up the phone directly.

She and Xiao Yijin, is this their first date?
It should...not count...

After washing up, Tong Yao packed up the books to read, and then went downstairs.

As soon as she got down, Xiao Yijin came over and took her hand naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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