Chapter 362

She can't get involved in this matter.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may beat the mandarin duck.

Wu Jie, Wu Jie, this guy can do it, I can't see it.

Thinking of how Du Chuan knew the truth, the smile on Tong Yao's face became bigger and bigger... Bigger and bigger...

Wu Jie: "So, has Wu Jie ever been in love before?"

Sun Yi: "No, the mother and fetus are single."

"Hey..." Jiang Ya opened the door of the dormitory, and heard the insidious laughter of the nursery rhyme.

She couldn't help shaking, put down her bag and walked over to ask: "Nursery rhyme, aren't you being silly in love? Why are you being silly by yourself?"

"No, I just thought of a very happy thing." Tong Yao said with a smile, and went to the task.

Standing beside the nursery rhyme, Jiang Ya looked at her smiling face, and shook her head again and again: "Sure enough, it's different after falling in love. This whole person has become more sunny, unlike before, who knew the board all day long. Play the game with a face."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Why didn't she feel that she was sunny...

Seeing that Xiao Yijin was not online, Tong Yao continued to clear personal tasks.

Just when she went back to hand in the task for a round of Shimen's mission last night, she met Zhuang Xinyu at the Shimen's residence.

Tong Yao directly ignored her and entered Shimen's residence, and then saw a message pop up from a nearby channel: "Tong Yao, so what if you are with him now? I have been married to him for two or three years, saying In the end, Xiao Yijin threw it to you because I didn't want it."

Seeing this message, Tong Yao was immediately amused, and typed: "Zhuang Xinyu, your thick skin is beyond my reach. How did you say such shameless words?"

Zhuang Xinyu originally planned to give up on Xiao Yijin, but she never thought that Xiao Yijin would actually be Yicun Acacia, her ex-husband!

She had... still had him.

Seeing that he spoiled nursery rhymes like this now, Zhuang Xinyu's heart became more and more twisted.

"You and Xiao Yijin won't last long. When there is a new big Goddess player in the game, you won't be the most special one. I haven't heard of a rich second generation who is dedicated to love. You will be abandoned sooner or later. "After typing these words, Zhuang Xinyu walked away.

As for Zhuang Xinyu's childish threats and provocations, Nursery Yao didn't take them seriously at all.

She gave Xiao Yijin a chance, which is equivalent to giving herself a chance. If they get along happily during this time, then they can continue walking.

If the two get too tired, she will end it all.

Because she knows exactly what she wants.

System message: Player Yicun Xiangsi invites you to join his team.

Tong Yao tapped to join the team, and then teleported to Xiao Yijin's side.

At first, Nursery Rhyme thought he was telling him to write the book, but when he teleported over and saw the scene in front of him, he was slightly taken aback.

The place of purgatory.

This is a place in the Xianmeng game where sects can freely engage in fights, and killing people here will not generate evil points.

When many denominations need to resolve disputes, they will make an appointment here.

Sects can declare war, and the declared war party can refuse. If they refuse, 200 million spirit stones will be deducted from the sect funds.

But what is strange is that this time it was actually a member of Mengran Jiangshan's alliance who declared war and killed a sect in the world.

This is a typical one-on-one but let's fight in groups.

It's just that Mengran Jiangshan has been honest for a while, so why did he suddenly declare war on them?

Is it itchy?
(End of this chapter)

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