Chapter 363 You Are a Noob
Nursery rhyme was indeed a little confused, so he asked, "What's going on? Why did ten sects suddenly declare war at the same time?"

Altman Tiga: "Sister-in-law, the Lich King has sold its account, and I don't know how the new owner of this account told the people in their alliance that those small sects have also declared war, although they all use eggs to touch it. Stone, but it’s a bit annoying to control too much.”

Has the Lich King sold out?

Is it because of being blasted a few times and the gasoline is gone?

This can't be...

And who bought the Lich King?

I just bought it and came to challenge them.

Seeing this, Tong Yao directly opened the voice of the sect channel: "Don't panic, everyone, kill the nanny first, as long as Gao Zhan's nanny falls, the rest of the people will be fine."

Xiaojian: "Understood, I will keep an eye on Zhuang Xinyu, and make sure that no one in her team gets a bite of milk."

When the two sides are fighting, kill the nanny first, which has almost become the most important rule in fighting in online games.

For nursery rhymes, cutting off the nanny on the opposite side is a breeze.

But no one could drop nursery rhymes in seconds, not even Xiao Yijin, let alone the others.

Nursery rhyme is a big trick that can make people with residual blood full of blood in two seconds, which is like a bug.

Xiao Yijin sat in front of the computer and watched Nursery Rhyme instructing everyone to prepare. His fingers tapped lightly on the table, looking very comfortable.

The battle between the two sides is imminent, and the countdown has begun.

Zhuang Xinyu stood next to the Lich King, feeling a little flustered, so she said softly, "Protect me, if I die, the blood won't be added."

Lich King: "Baby, don't be afraid, you won't die with me here."

Hearing the magnetic voice of the Lich King, Zhuang Xinyu's heart trembled: "Okay, then you have to protect him."

The countdown is over, let's go to war.

Voice transmission from the Lich King's entire server: "Let's kill the scum of the world, die."

Wu Jie and the others looked at each other when they saw the mentally retarded ruthless words, and rushed directly to the crowd in front of them.

A red shadow flashed past, and the next second Zhuang Xinyu was already lying dead.

Zhuang Xinyu lay on the ground with a dazed expression on her face, what did she promise to protect her?
Xiao Yijin slammed at the group of people in front of her with a big move, and where her skills passed, not a single blade of grass would grow.

The Lich King was still in a daze, but Xiaojian's dagger had already come in front of him. It was just bought, and he was not familiar with the operation, so it was knocked down before he could react.

Then several messages popped up from nearby channels.

Yicun Acacia: "Spicy chicken."

Kidney treasure, delicious: "vegetable chicken."

Superman can't fly: "Weak chicken."

You laugh when I'm mean, "Scumbag."

The guest officer can't: "They all say that you are a rookie, but I don't believe it, because I think you may be more than a rookie."

Crowd: ...

Wu Jie laughed: "The Lich King is mentally retarded, does he think that he can win with a large number of people? Our sect is the sect with the highest comprehensive combat power in the entire server. If you just pull anyone over, you can abuse several people on the opposite side, even though they control many people. , but a lot of people are knocked out before they can throw their skills, that Lich King is even more weird, he doesn't seem to know how to play at all, just now he just threw his big move on the spot, I laughed so hard..."

"I thought it would be a good fight, but I didn't expect it to be a one-sided massacre. It's boring, boring." Sun Yi yawned and ate melon seeds in boredom.

Xiaojian stood beside Zhuang Xinyu's body, and after squatting several times, Zhuang Xinyu immediately died and lay there.

"Boss, who do you think is retarded to buy the account of the Lich King? Does he have any misunderstandings about our game? Does he think that as long as there are more people, he can win? If so, who would foolishly charge money. "Wu Jie really couldn't figure it out, because the Lich King's behavior seemed to be a mental retardation.

(End of this chapter)

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