The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 368 What Bad Thing Are You Premeditating?

Chapter 368 What Bad Thing Are You Premeditating?
Maybe something unexpected will happen...

Thinking of this, the corner of Xiao's mouth curled up with a sinister arc.

Tong Yao turned around and just happened to see his weird smile, and she couldn't help but feel a chill running down her back, "Xiao Yijin, what bad things are you planning?"

"No, no, I'm upright, so I wouldn't think of anything bad." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, she shifted her gaze away guiltily, and looked out the car window.

Seeing someone like that, Nursery Rhyme knew there was something wrong, and someone in the sect group @她.

Tong Yao looked down and saw that it was Wu Sunyi. Although both of them already knew their respective identities, these guys still called her guest official boss in the game, and she was also used to calling them like this.

Sun Yi: Guest officer boss, you and the boss have come out with their opponents in the first round of love ring tonight, do you know who they are?
Nursery rhyme: It doesn't matter who they are, they won't win anyway.

Altman Dijia: That's right, no matter who meets the boss and the guest official boss, they will only be abused.

You Yun: We won't participate this week, we won't be able to win anyway, so we will sign up next week.

Tears of Allure: Then next week will be lively, and my wife and I plan to report next week.


After chatting with everyone for a while, Tong Yao and Xiao Yijin had already arrived at the eating place.

As soon as I got out of the car, I saw the LOGO of Xianmeng Game. Tong Yao was so surprised that she turned her head and looked at Xiao Yijin: "Shall we eat here?"

Xiao Yijin nodded: "Hmm, yes, anyway, you will get used to it sooner or later."

"Habit? Habit to what?" Nursery rhyme was a little confused, but someone just smiled mysteriously, and then walked over ahead.

Tong Yao looked at the majestic buildings in front of her, and was completely stunned. This is the place she dreamed of coming to. When she was in the third year of high school, she saw the campus recruitment of Xianmeng Game Company. At that time, there was a recruitment of interns majoring in information security. So she chose this major to be able to enter this company when she graduated.

Unexpectedly, she had the opportunity to visit the headquarters of Xianmeng Game in her freshman year. It was really perfect!

Xiao Yijin had already walked into the gate, but found that the people behind him hadn't followed up for a long time. He turned his head and found that Tong Yao was actually holding up his mobile take pictures...

Xiao Yijin was used to seeing it by herself, but she didn't think there was anything special about the company's design.

And he didn't know what to shoot on this big night.

Women are just weird.

But now, in order to become a regular as soon as possible, she must... Try her best to follow her and make her happy. Only then will she have the opportunity to fool her out to play during the winter vacation, so as to warm their relationship deeply.

Standing at the door waiting for Tong Yao to take pictures, a few minutes later Tong Yao walked in with a happy face: "Where shall we visit first?"

"Eat first, and we'll visit after dinner." Afraid that Tong Yao would pass by and start taking pictures again, Xiao Yijin reached out and grabbed Tong Yao's hand and walked forward. The destination was very clear, the restaurant.

At this time, almost all the employees of the company have left work, and the company is deserted.

Xiao Yijin went directly to the restaurant with nursery rhymes, and a man far away raised his hand and waved to Xiao Yijin: "Mr. Xiao, Miss Tong, please come here, I'm ready, do you want to add more food?"

Tong Yao walked over and glanced at the dishes on the table, they were all delicious.

And this uncle was still waiting for them so late, it was already very hard, so he smiled and said: "Very well, thank you for your hard work."

"Well, it's hard get off work, Old Wu, you can get off work." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, she opened the stool for Tong Yao.

(End of this chapter)

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