The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 369 The nursery rhyme of letting go

Chapter 369 The nursery rhyme of letting go

Old Wu smiled and bid farewell to the two, then packed his things and left for get off work.

In the empty cafeteria, there were only the two of them left.

While eating, Tong Yao looked at the decoration here. It turned out that she had only seen everything here in the photos, but now, it actually appeared in front of her eyes.

Xianmeng Games, as the leading game company in China, has produced countless popular mobile games and end-games, and it is the place where many game fans are looking for.

From the day Nursery Rhyme started playing the game, he began to understand the company's corporate culture, and later, he fell in love with it deeply.

Xiao Yijin ate slowly, observing nursery rhymes while eating.

It was found that the girl's eyes kept rolling after eating, looking around without stopping at all: "Eat well, it's easy to get stomach upset if the food is cold."

The nursery rhyme who was in a daze came back to his senses and nodded slightly: "Oh."

After eating, Xiao Yijin started to visit from the first floor of Xianmeng Game Building with nursery rhymes, and it was already nine o'clock when he finished visiting all floors.

Looking at the time, Tong Yao turned her head and said, "Xiao Yijin, thank you for today."


Listening to the words of the nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin's eyes were a little cold: "between you and me, if you really want to thank you, you can give some practical, verbal thank you, then there is no need."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Nursery rhyme: "I'm going first, I'm very happy today."

"If you're going to play the Love Match, you don't need to be so anxious. The computer in our technical department should be much easier to use than your broken computer." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, she reached out and pressed the elevator.

Broken computer?Her computer is at least 2 yuan high-end, how come this guy has become a broken computer?

She wanted to see how high-end the computer in their technical department was.

Following Xiao Yijin to the eighteenth floor, he pushed open the door of the technical department, went straight over and turned on the computer: "You are using a computer, and I will sit next to you."

"Okay." Tong Yao walked over and sat down, checked the configuration of the computer, and then his face became more and more gloomy...

Xiao thoughtfully poured hot water for nursery rhymes, and put some snacks from the cabinet aside, then sat down and asked coolly, "Lady, do you still have these computers?"

"Well, it's okay." It's so good, these computers are all series that ordinary people can't afford...

She could afford it, but she didn't want to.

The two of them logged into the game, and it was only 10 minutes before the start of the Love Match.

Previously, Tong Yao had promised fans to broadcast live the group arena, so Tong Yao downloaded the live app and logged into her account.

As soon as the broadcast started, a large number of fans entered the live broadcast room.

Nursery rhymes are already hot before they even start talking.

All the fans were looking forward to the performance of the two in the ring, seeing them standing on the edge of the ring in couple outfits, each of them seemed to have been beaten.

"The guest official is going to rush to the duck, and he must win!"

"God Acacia, protect our goddess!"

"When will the guest officer turn on the camera? I'm really looking forward to it!"


Seeing the comments from fans, Tong Yao picked up the earphones and put them on, "It's impossible to show your face, it's impossible in this life."

Fans: "Why?"

Nursery rhyme chuckled: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to find someone after you see me."

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Yijin, who was sitting next to her, glanced at the nursery rhyme speechlessly. This girl really let herself go when the live broadcast started.

(End of this chapter)

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