Chapter 372 Ma Ma, Help

Hearing the voice of nursery rhyme talking to Xiao Yijin, the fans in the live broadcast immediately exploded: "Brother Guest Officer, are you with God Acacia?"

"Are you playing games at home?"

"Are you living together?"

"Have you applauded for love?"


Seeing the applause for love that filled the screen, Tong Yao's face became hot immediately, and he turned off the barrage directly.

Xiao Yijin, who was sitting by the side, saw Tong Yao's abnormal movement, and leaned closer to Tong Yao: "Stupid girl, what are they talking about? Show me, huh?"

Nursery rhymes were embarrassing at first, but Xiao Yijin, a dead fox, actually said this to Mai in the earphones. Fans in the live broadcast room heard Xiao Yijin's provocative tone...

One by one's heads were opened very wide, and the scene lost control for a while.

"Fuck, goddess voice, male voice, I'm drunk!"

"In the past, people always said that people with good voices are ugly. I want to ask who said it. Damn, stand up for labor and management!"

"Hey, hey, guest officer, this long night, don't you two do something more meaningful?"


Seeing Xiao Yijin reaching out to grab the mouse, Tong Yao slapped his hand: "Don't block me from playing games."

It's okay to tease, but if it's too much, it's not good to blow the hair.

Xiao Yijin still knew enough was enough.

He sat back at his seat, took out his phone, logged in to his account, and entered the nursery rhyme live broadcast room: "You won't let me watch it, I can watch it myself."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."


The nursery rhyme stopped watching the fan barrage, but Xiao Yijin watched it with great interest, and let out a series of suppressed laughter from time to time.

Just when the nursery rhyme felt like sitting on pins and needles, someone Xiao raised his head coolly, "Don't worry, I won't applaud you for love so early, because... Sister Ting said, she is too old It’s not good for a girl’s body if she’s too young.”

This remark directly made the always calm nursery rhyme blush.

What the fuck?

Is Xiao Yijin a devil?
This means... Has he ever consulted his mother about this kind of question?

In fact, it was a misunderstanding from the nursery rhyme. Xiao Yijin came to Baidu by herself, but she felt that it seemed a bit low to say that she came from Baidu, so she borrowed Sister Ting's reputation.

After the dungeon ended, Nursery Rhyme directly withdrew from the team and logged out of the game.

Pack up your things, turn around and walk to the door.

Before reaching the door, Xiao Yijin heard Xiao Yijin say, "Damn, close the door."

Before Nursery Rhyme could react, the door in front of him was closed. This door was originally controlled by a program. If it was closed... Nursery Rhyme could not be opened.



Tong Yao looked towards the wall following the voice, and saw a guy who looked exactly like Dabai, walking towards her with short, fat legs.

"Shut up, and if you keep talking, I'll throw you out of the window." Xiao Yijin didn't expect that even a dog would come to complain about him, and he was in a very bad mood.

Goudan: "Dad, you can't lie to me. Xiao Liu said that I am the most intelligent robot and the most perfect research and development product of Xianmeng Game Company. I can control all electronic equipment in the technical department."

Xiao Yijin: "I have the data, I can make another one after losing you."

Nursery rhymes are really knowledgeable, robots and humans quarrel...

Isn't this a scene from TV?

Saying this, Xiao Yijin actually made a gesture to catch the dog's egg.

The dog who was so stinky just now was scared, and shouted in the direction of the nursery rhyme: "Mama, help!"

(End of this chapter)

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