Chapter 373 Du Chuan's Wu Xiaojie
Nursery Rhyme: "..."

What the hell?

Seeing the Goudan trying to run over with short legs, Tong Yao couldn't bear it, so she reached out and grabbed it and hugged it in her arms. She looked at Xiao Yijin dissatisfied and said, "Young man, why are you so irritable?" ?”

Xiao Yijin didn't intend to really throw the dog egg at first, but he didn't expect that this guy would actually go to nursery rhymes to seek shelter.

Hiding in Nursery Rhyme's arms, Goudan felt very safe, so he began to provoke Xiao Yijin desperately: "Mama, it's this person who forces me to work every day and doesn't let me eat."

The corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched, "What do you eat as a robot?"

Goudan: "Who said that our robots don't eat. As the saying goes, people are like iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry..."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Just now I thought this guy was a bit pitiful, why do I think he is such a monster now?

And why does his plastic mandarin sound so delightful? Can't he be fluent in mandarin when programming?
"God, open the door, I'm going home." It's getting late, and the door will be closed any later, and I won't be able to go back to the dormitory.

Goudan turned his head: "Ma Ma, although I can control the door, I also have to obey orders, I can't listen to you."

Hearing this, the corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched: "Can you open the door, or if you don't open the door, I will throw you out of the window?"

Goudan: "..."

Goudan: "Dad, help!"

Xiao Yijin looked at Goudan's appearance and felt a little funny, so she reached out and took him from the nursery rhyme, "Ugly girl, there are rooms on the roof of this building, you have to rush back to Yemen now, don't worry, in order to be able to Become a qualified boyfriend as soon as possible, I won't mess around at this time, let's go, let's go to bed."

Goudan: "Don't be afraid, Ma Ma, Dad is very cowardly!"

Xiao Yijin's eyes sank: "God, enter a dormant state."

In the next second, Goudan's two blue eyes went out, and the room became quiet.

Nursery rhyme squinted at Xiao Yijin's dark face, and said coolly, "Goudan, very cute, that's the name, a little... happy..."

"Well, this is the name Xiao Liu randomly chose when he was testing the performance. Later, everyone got used to calling it, so they didn't change it. Let's go, I'll take you to rest." The two entered the elevator to the top floor, and Xiao Yijin walked to the door of a room After reaching out and pressing a few numbers, the door opened, "You live here tonight, and I will live next door to you. Call me if you need anything."

Tong Yao nodded: "Yes."

She walked into the room and was about to close the door when it was blocked by Xiao Yijin's hand again.

Tong Yao opened the door and looked at him, "What are you doing?"

Xiao Yijin looked at the girl in front of her, hesitated for a moment, then bent down and kissed her forehead suddenly: "Good night."

After finishing speaking, Xiao moved to the side and quickly entered the room.

Looking at Xiao Yijin's back, Tong Yao slightly curled her lips and closed the door.

Goudan is right, this guy... is really cowardly.

Lying on the bed, Tong Yao just put down the phone when the WeChat message rang.

She reached for it and saw Jiang Ya's message: Tongyao, aren't you coming back tonight?
Nursery Rhyme: Hmm.

Jiang Ya: If you don't come back, I won't even be able to find someone to gossip about. Life is really lonely like snow.

I yawned and typed the nursery rhyme: Just say what you want, I will listen.

Jiang Ya: Five hours ago, someone posted a missing person revelation in the post bar, saying that he was looking for a girl named Wu Xiaojie. The post was very touching. Many girls were so moved. Now many people are helping to find her. What about Wu Xiaojie?

Jiang Ya: They also met by playing Xianmeng game, you think that Wu Xiaojie didn't see the post, right?In other words, she saw the post, but she actually has a boyfriend and dare not recognize that boy?

 Good night!Today is also a little bee working hard for the sixth watch.

(End of this chapter)

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