Chapter 374
Nursery rhyme: Wu Xiaojie probably doesn't have a boyfriend in reality.

Jiang Ya: No, no, if there is no boyfriend, then both of them are married in the game, what happened when they met?And I feel that the boy really likes Wu Xiaojie, the words between the lines are full of love.


She could feel Du Chuan's deep love for Wu Xiaojie, but the point is, now she doesn't know what that guy Wu Jie thinks.

He actually dared to use the name Wu Xiaojie to bluff and deceive, so don't be cowardly, so what if he just jumped out to meet Du Chuan?
The big deal is to be beaten up.

Thinking of this, Nursery Rhyme replied: Let's not worry about it, you should worry about the final exam, that's all, go to sleep.

Jiang Ya: Oh, good.

Putting the phone aside, Tong Yao closed her eyes, sleepiness hit her, and she quickly fell asleep.

A good night's dream.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!" There was a loud knock on the door, and Tong Yao squinted her eyes and sat up from the bed. The room was very dark, and it was obviously midnight.

"Bang bang bang!" The door was tapped a few more times, only someone knocked on the door, but no voice was heard.

Tong Yao kept an eye out, didn't open the door, and asked, "Who is it?"

"Miss Tong, a thief has entered the building with a murder weapon, and he hasn't been caught yet. Mr. Xiao asked us to see if there is anything wrong with you?" The man's hoarse voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this familiar voice, Tong Yao narrowed his eyes slightly.

This... is Yun Zilei, right?

If you want to deceive people, can you disguise your voice first, so that she can recognize it as soon as she hears it, okay?

Moreover, his excuse was full of loopholes. If something happened, Xiao Yijin would be the first to rush over. Would it be someone else's turn?

But he dared to knock on the door so hard, which meant that Xiao Yijin was no longer in the next door, and if he opened the door now, he would definitely be a sheep.

This door is controlled by the system, and most people cannot open it. As long as she doesn't go out, there is no danger.

Thinking of this, Tong Yao turned on all the lights in the room, and saw the phone number of the security department of the building behind the door. She leisurely picked up the phone and dialed it: "Hello, security department? This is Tong Yao, Building Security Department There are thieves inside, it's on the top floor, come up quickly."

The people in the security department were stunned when they heard the call. How could anyone come in to the control system of their building?
Mr. Xiao had something urgent to go out, and before he left, he told them to protect the nursery rhyme. He didn't expect that, after Mr. Xiao left for a few minutes, a thief came to the top floor.

The group of people didn't have time to think about it, they first blocked the exit of the stairs, and then shut down the other elevators, leaving only one elevator to go to the top floor.

After making the phone call, Tong Yao leaned against the door, turned up the volume and greeted Yun Zilei outside the door: "You are from the security department, right?"

Yun Zilei didn't know that Tong Yao had recognized him, so he continued to lower his voice and said, "Yes, Miss Tong, now please come out and go downstairs with me to accept our protection."

"No, I won't go. I'm so scared. I want to wait here for Xiao Yijin to come back. I won't go anywhere until he comes back." After saying this, Tong Yao was disgusted by herself.

Cough cough, it's a good thing Xiao Yijin didn't hear her say these words, otherwise... she would definitely be disgusted to death.

Yun Zilei lurked in a long time ago, and he didn't come out to attack Tong Yao until Xiao Yijin was tricked away.


He never expected that the nursery rhyme would not come out.

When Xiao Yijin found out that she had been cheated, she should return soon. If she was bumped into by then, things would not be that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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