The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 376 Was Sold and Returned the Money

Chapter 376 Was Sold and Returned the Money
Listening to Yu Ting's surprised voice, Xiao Yijin sighed: "She is lying, she didn't commit suicide at all, she used you and asked you to call me to see her, and now, Yaoyao might be in danger .”

"Ah?" Yu Ting was frightened. In her memory, Qin Yiyi had always been a sensible and obedient child, and it was impossible for her to do such a thing.

It's just that Xiao Yijin wouldn't lie to her, because he forced Xiao Yijin to see Qin Yiyi, did he put the nursery rhyme in danger?
Thinking of this, Yu Ting also became nervous: "Then... Is Yao Yao okay? I never thought that Yiyi would do such a thing."

"Yaoyao is so smart, it shouldn't be a problem. Don't trust others easily in the future, or you will be sold for money." After speaking, Xiao Yijin hung up the phone.

He didn't want to go, but Qin Yiyi had committed suicide before. Although he hated Qin Yiyi very much, Uncle Qin treated him very well since he was a child, so he decided to take a look.

Who knew it was a trap.

While driving, Lao Zhang said, "Master, I have already called the security department. They said that Yun Zilei was trying to trick Ms. Tong into coming out, but Ms. Tong was smart enough to call for help, so Yun Zilei has already been caught. Are you... going to take a look at it later?"

"Look, of course you have to watch." Xiao Yijin's eyes turned cold, and that expression made Lao Zhang feel a little chill on his back.

By the time Xiao Yijin and Lao Zhang returned to the company, members of the Yun family had already arrived.

Seeing Xiao Yijin coming in, Yunfeng said with a smile on his face, "Yijin, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, and it's nothing serious, so why don't you alert the police?"

"Misunderstanding? Yun Zilei plotted against my fiancée and made troubles over and over again. If I just swallowed my anger, others would think that I, Xiao Yijin, was a coward. This is the business of our young people. When you are old, don't meddle in it." After speaking, Xiao Yijin slowly began to roll up his sleeves.

With that appearance, it was obvious that he wanted to beat someone up.

The last time he was beaten by Xiao Yijin and stayed in the hospital for more than a month, the horrible feeling is still vivid in his memory.

He doesn't want to go to the hospital again.

"Jin, I have something to say." Before Yun Zilei could finish speaking, Xiao Yijin's fist had already landed on his nose.

After punching down, Yun Zilei only felt dizzy, he never thought that Xiao Yijin's strike would be so ruthless.

Seeing his son being beaten, Yunfeng immediately shouted: "Xiao Yijin, do you still have the law? Even if my son thinks about your wife, but your wife is safe now, isn't she? Do you need to beat him like this?" ?”

I went downstairs to watch the lively nursery rhymes. I just got off the elevator and heard the words that ruined the three views. I sneered and sarcastically said: "Yo hoo, as expected, there are all kinds of sons, you think I'm easy to bully Is it?"

"Besides, who said that I was safe and sound, Yun Zilei told us that there were bandits in the building, that is, the kind of bandits who kill people casually. I was so frightened that my face turned pale, my whole body trembled, and I was dizzy. I rested in the room for a long time before I recovered. Yes, if you don’t believe me, you can ask them.” After Tong Yao said this, he pointed to a group of people from the security department in front of him.

After receiving the order, the security staff immediately cooperated and said, "Well, yes, Ms. Tong is timid, and she almost fainted from fright."

Yunfeng: "..."

Yun Zilei is really dumb, eating Coptis chinensis is suffering and can't tell, nursery rhymes are scared?
That was a big joke.

(End of this chapter)

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