Chapter 377

It was really useless for Qin Yiyi to let Xiao Yijin come back so soon.

The people from the security department called the police, and the police had already arrived. Yun Zilei was afraid of being beaten, so he raised his hand in a second: "I made a mistake, I will go with you."

The policeman who just rushed in was stunned. He had never met such a cooperative prisoner before...

Yun Zilei was taken away, Xiao Yijin shook her arms, her expression was still fierce, "How do you patrol and do security work? Didn't you see that big man sneaked in?"

The head of the security department, Zhuang Jinfang, stood up tremblingly: "Mr. Xiao, this person sneaked in wearing our company uniform during the rush hour, and he has an access card, so we didn't notice anything unusual."

Tong Yao turned her face to look at Xiao Yijin: "Forget it, I'm fine anyway, and it was Yun Zilei who were caught by these big brothers."

Hearing this, the security staff looked gratefully at Tong Yao.

Mr. Xiao is good at everything, but his temper is very strong. What happened tonight was indeed a mistake in their work. Even if they were punished, they would admit it.

Listening to the nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin's eyes softened a little, but her tone was still cold: "Whoever deserves to be punished will still be punished."

"Yes, they will be punished, but they have made up for it by catching someone, right?" After saying this, Tong Yao squinted at Xiao Yijin, and reached out to poke his arm.

Who knew that Xiao Yijin would get out of the way and say a word: "Dirty, don't touch me."

The nursery rhyme was taken aback when he heard the words: "You say I'm dirty?"

Only then did Xiao Yijin reflect, and quickly explained: "It's me, I'm dirty, you have to touch it when I go back and wash it, you can touch it as much as you want."

As soon as these words came out, the big brothers in the security department patted in front of them, and they looked at the ground in embarrassment.

Nursery rhyme also felt a little embarrassed, reached out and grabbed her hair, turned around and said, "Who wants to touch you, it's a good idea."

After speaking, Tong Yao quickly entered the elevator.

Xiao Yijin looked at the back of the nursery rhyme fleeing, and the expression on her face finally turned cloudy, "You guys also go to rest, today I have an ugly girl to intercede with you, then I won't punish you, next time this happens again In this case, heavy fines will be imposed.”

Everyone: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

Back in the room, Xiao Yijin showered N times, then put on her pajamas and walked out of the bathroom.

After drying my hair, it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

He turned his head to look at the next wall, got up and walked out, pressed the password on the nursery rhyme door, and then tiptoed in.

Gently closed the door.

After closing the door and turning around, I saw Tong Yao sitting on the bed staring at him with big eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward. When he opened the door, she was obviously asleep. Why did she wake up as soon as she turned around...

"I'm just afraid that Yun Zilei will come back again, so tonight, I'll sleep on the sofa and stay with you." After speaking, Xiao Yijin opened the cabinet and took out a cup, and lay on the sofa obediently.

He was too tall, and he looked a little pitiful curled up on the sofa.

Is this guy really trying to trick him?
Xiao Yijin is a fox, and he doesn't know what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd, so it's best to ignore him.

After watching for a while, Tong Yao yawned, pulled up the quilt, and lay down.

Staring at the back of Tong Yao's head, Xiao Yijin breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately she was not kicked out.

After a while, Xiao Yijin opened her eyes in wonder, no, he is the ugly girl's boyfriend now, even if this is a probationary boyfriend, it is still a boyfriend.

If he used to hug her to sleep and didn't do other overly intimate things, he shouldn't be beaten, right?
(End of this chapter)

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