Chapter 378 Unexpected
After curling up on the sofa and struggling for a long time, Xiao still didn't make up his mind to sneak up on nursery rhyme's bed.

After all, this is a bit risky.

The chances of being beaten seem to be a bit high.

Forget it, wretched development, don't waste time.

When Tong Yao woke up the next day, Xiao Yijin was no longer in the house, and his post-it note was pasted on the table: "I will ask someone to bring breakfast. I am a bit busy today. You can see in the room, compared to the school breakfast. Study room, it will be quieter here, just wait for me to come back."

Seeing the last sentence, Tong Yao couldn't help shrinking her neck, as if she was a little numbing.

I got up, opened the curtains, and it was snowing outside.

This building is the tallest building in the surrounding area. From this point of view, all the surrounding scenery can be seen, and the beauty is a bit dreamy.

After tidying up the room, someone knocked on the door: "Miss Tong, I am Xiao Yu, a staff member of the cafeteria, and I am here to bring you breakfast."

A girl's voice came from outside the door, Nursery Rhyme walked over and opened the door: "Thank you, I can eat lunch by myself, so I don't need to bother you."

"No trouble, no trouble, many colleagues in our cafeteria are scrambling to deliver food. Everyone wants to know what kind of girl can make our President Xiao's ten-thousand-year iron tree blossom. Miss Tong, you look so good-looking." , prettier than those big stars." Xiao Yu looked at the nursery rhyme, her eyes were crooked and she looked a little cute.

Being praised so much by her, Nursery Rhyme felt a little embarrassed, "Thank you then, go to work, I'm busy too, goodbye."

Xiao Yu smiled and waved to Nursery Yao: "Okay, goodbye."

After closing the door, Tong Yao opened a few lunch boxes in his hand and began to eat.

After taking a few bites, the phone rang.

She got up and picked it up to see that it was Du Chuan.

Thinking of what Jiang Ya said yesterday, Tong Yao was startled. Could this guy have already gone to their school?
"Hello." Tong Yao answered the phone and sat down to continue eating.

Du Chuan's urgent voice came over: "Brother, please help me find a way. My baby said that if I insist on meeting, she will break up with me."


Nursery rhyme: "Don't be in a hurry, then you should stabilize her first, anyway, you haven't been together for a long time, maybe he will agree to meet you in the future, it's because you are too anxious to scare her. "

Du Chuan: "Brother, you don't understand. Xiaojie is already in her junior year, and her senior year is about to go to another place for an internship. Our time is running out. I don't want to miss her just like this. You also know that I have been single for so many years. I have never had such strong feelings for a girl, I don't want, I don't want to have regrets."

Hearing Du Chuan's anxious voice, Tong Yao put down his chopsticks, "Then you asked clearly, do you know why Wu Xiaojie doesn't want to meet you?"

Du Chuan: "He said that the Internet is the Internet, and reality is reality. He wants to stay in the best state of each other."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Nursery rhyme: "Let's do this, don't be in a hurry, take the exam first, come to me first after the exam, let's discuss it, don't mention the meeting for a few days, okay?"

After thinking for a while, Du Chuan nodded: "Okay."

Wu Jie...what on earth do you want...

I couldn't think of a reason for the nursery rhyme, so I had to start reading.

Lie on the bed and read a book, the air conditioner in the room is warm, looking at it, Nursery Rhyme actually fell asleep in a daze.

When Xiao Yijin came back, she happened to see Tong Yao lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

He eased the movements in his hands, took off his coat, walked over gently, and bent down to read nursery rhymes.

Her sleeping face was so beautiful, Xiao Yijin stared at her for a long time, and couldn't help being fascinated.

The breath he exhaled lightly blew against Nursery Rhyme's ears, and she felt a little itchy, so she turned over in a daze.

Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and his body leaned down slightly. The lips of the two met unexpectedly in the air, and they touched each other lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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