Chapter 381 How deep is your city

"I've seen it before. Ms. Tong is the female anchor who is popular on the Internet now. Naturally, her figure and appearance are not comparable to mine. You said that if she is not in good shape, she will not be able to become the first sister of the live broadcast platform. I heard that she is very good. They are popular with straight men." After Qin Yiyi finished speaking, she saw contemptuous expressions in the eyes of the surrounding daughters.

A short-haired girl said with disgust: "Are you talking about the kind of female anchor who pokes her head and poses on the Internet during the live broadcast? Oh my god, most of these women are on the bus. What did Xiao Ershao think? Can you see her?"

Hearing this, Qin Yiyi was overjoyed, but she pretended to be innocent and said on the face: "Sister Lulu, don't talk nonsense, I don't think Miss Tong is that kind of person, I think she usually dresses very conservatively , In fact, I am quite envious of her, she can earn a lot of money, but now I have to spend my parents' money."

As soon as Zheng Lulu heard this, she stretched out her hand and patted Qin Yiyi's arm lightly: "Yiyi, why are you so innocent? You usually dress conservatively, and that's for Young Master Xiao to see. If she's not on the live broadcast Jianxiu is sexy, so why do those men give her money?"

Xiao Yun nodded in agreement: "That's right, all the money she earns is unclean money, and just a few small rewards are not enough for me to buy a set of clothes. There is nothing to be envious of."

"Yeah, Yiyi, don't be sad, you are such a good girl, Xiao Ershao will see how good you are sooner or later."

"Yes, yes, don't be sad, come and eat something."


Before Xiao Yijin and the others came, Zhuang Yi and the others walked in first. When Xiao Yun saw Zhuang Yi and the others, he raised his hand to say hello: "Zhuang Yi, this way!"

Zhuang Yi took a glass of wine along the way, and walked towards Xiao Yun and the others with a smile: "Good evening, all beauties, long time no see, you all look even more beautiful."

Women, what they like most is when others praise themselves.

Zhuang Yi has always been sweet-talking, always able to get along with girls, just for fun, this guy is quite dedicated.

Zheng Lulu glanced at Zhuang Yi, then asked gossipingly: "Zhuang Yi, have you seen Er Shao's fiancée? How does she look like?"

"I've seen it before. My sister-in-law looks really good-looking. The point is that she is young and talented. She has collagen all over her face! Can Yijin like her if she doesn't look good? It's not like you don't know that Yijin is super cute. Yan control." After Zhuang Yi finished speaking, he heard Ah Zui standing there calling him, and he was about to leave when Xiao Yun grabbed him again.

He turned his head and asked puzzledly: "Xiao Yun, what are you doing? Why don't you let me go?"

Xiao Yunwen let go of Zhuang Yi's hand with a smile: "We are just curious, who is chasing who between Xiao Ershao and that girl?"

"That's my sister-in-law who must be chased by Yijin. In order to chase other people's nursery rhymes, Yijin used all eighteen martial arts skills. When confessing, he also mobilized people from the Xianmeng Game Technology Department. The scene of the confession was called a dream. Directly Let the hearts of all the fairies and dream girls burst, okay, I won't tell you, Ah Zui called me." After speaking, Ah Zui left.

Xiao Yun and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. The girl who could make Er Shao chase after Xiao for so long shouldn't be too bad...

But from what Qin Yiyi said, that nursery rhyme is not a good person.

Several people couldn't figure it out, and then they heard someone beside them say: "Second Young Master Xiao and his fiancee are here."

Xiao Yun and the others shifted their gazes to the entrance of the banquet hall, and saw Xiao Yijin, who had never touched women, walked in with a smile on her face, leading a girl's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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