The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 382 Love someone, look at his eyes

Chapter 382 Love someone, look at his eyes
For fear that nursery rhyme would step on the hem of the skirt, Xiao Yijin bent down from time to time to straighten the hem of the skirt for nursery rhyme. The gentleman's appearance directly stunned the people present. this person in front of him really the Second Young Master Xiao they knew?
Zheng Lulu was shocked by the scene in front of her, "Although we are not familiar with Xiao Ershao, we have met more than ten times at various banquets. This is the first time I have seen him smile, and he is holding that woman hand."

Originally, Xiao Yun was unwilling to believe that Xiao Yijin had someone she liked, but now she believed it a little bit. When you love someone, your eyes can't be deceiving.

Seeing Xiao Yijin holding the nursery rhyme around to greet people, Qin Yiyi gritted her teeth with hatred, thinking of the video she took that night, her eyes turned cold slightly.

That thing should be used at a more important point in time to exert its greatest effect, not now.

She will wait until the two of them are inseparable, and then re-edit the video and send it to Nursery Rhyme. At that time... She doesn't believe it, Nursery Rhyme really doesn't care at all.

Tonight's nursery rhyme is wearing a simple black dress, which makes her skin like snow. She rarely speaks, and always stands beside Xiao Yijin and smiles.

Anyway, she didn't know what to say, a smile was enough.

Although the high heels were not high, Tong Yao still felt a little tired after walking around a few times, so she whispered to Xiao Yijin, "Can I sit for a while?"

"Tired? Okay, sit for a while. If you're bored, go play with Zhuang Yi and the others. I'll be back after I say hello." After speaking, Xiao Yijin took her by the hand and sent her to the sofa to sit down. left.

Many gangsters at the scene were playing fairy dreams, and when they saw their goddess coming in, they couldn't help but want to say hello, but Xiao Yijin was by the side, so they dared not move forward.

Seeing Xiao Yijin leave at this time, they immediately rushed over with their mobile phones: "Guest officer, can you take a photo with me?"

"Guest officer, I want to take a photo too!"

"Guest officer, can I add you as a WeChat friend?"


Looking at these well-dressed men who turned into fanboys one by one, Tong Yao just felt cold sweat, "Group photos are fine, but I don't like people getting too close to me, can you understand?"

Everyone: "No problem, no problem."

"Line in line, come one by one, Brother Luo, you help us take pictures, and I will help you take pictures after the filming is over."

"Have you turned on your beauty?"

"Is my hair all right?"

"Hurry up in front of you, I'm still waiting to post it on Moments!"

"Zhu Rui, what the hell did you eat just now? There's something stuck on your teeth, next one!"


Xiao Yun and the others originally wanted to find fault, but they didn't expect Tong Yao to be surrounded by a group of aristocratic princes.

While the few people were still wondering, all the men who had been around Nursery Yao just now dispersed, stood in line next to Nursery Yao, and then... went to take a photo with Nursery Yao one by one.

These rich second generations usually can't pull each other, so why are they all smiling and excited when they see nursery rhymes?
Among the people queuing up, there are also a few men who are usually very cold and cold. They would ignore them when they came up to say hello, but now they are actually waiting in line to take a photo with Nursery Rhyme...

Zheng Lulu was extremely unbalanced, so she asked Qin Yiyi: "Why do these men take pictures with nursery rhymes? Is it because she looks good without makeup? It shouldn't be."

Qin Yiyi felt extremely uncomfortable, so she said in a low voice: "Haven't you heard that many female anchors are close to rich people? I think Miss Tong should be very familiar with them."

(End of this chapter)

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