Chapter 385 Don't Be His Weakness
No, she must escape.

The mobile phone is not with me, and there is no way to call for help.

Find a way.

She didn't bring anti-wolf spray with her in a dress, otherwise she would be afraid that these two people would fail.

Still a little dizzy, the car stopped slowly, probably waiting for a red light.

Why don't you jump out of the car now?
This is the only way, otherwise it will be difficult to get out after arriving at the destination.

Holding his breath, the copper key slowly reached out to open the door.


Not moving.



Can't open.

The car started to drive forward again slowly, Yun Zilei heard a slight noise, turned his head to look at the back row, nursery rhyme was too scared to breathe loudly.

"Are you sure the medicine is okay?" Yun Zilei turned to look at Jin Kui who was driving.

Jin Kui said in a low voice, "Don't worry, young master, this medicine is fine. I've used a lot of it. She won't wake up within four or five hours."

Although they have nursery rhymes in their hands now, Jin Kui is still a little flustered. After all, Xiao Yijin is also known for being ruthless in the industry. Now that the young master has arrested Xiao Yijin's wife, he still doesn't know what crazy things Xiao Yijin will do.

It's just that Jin Kui knew Yun Zilei's temper, so he didn't dare to persuade Yun Zilei at this time, but he still prayed in his heart, if only someone could save the nursery rhyme.

He also plays Xianmeng, and he likes to watch nursery rhyme live broadcasts very much. He really doesn't want nursery rhymes to be ruined like this by Yun Zilei's murderous hands.

"Yeah." Yun Zilei shifted his gaze to the outside of the car, and the speed of the car gradually slowed down. Yun Zilei noticed that the speed of the car was slowing down, so he asked coldly, "What's wrong with you? What if If this happens again, Xiao Yijin will soon catch up."

"Master, the snow is heavy and the road is too slippery, so be careful." Hearing Yun Zilei's questioning voice, Jin Kui shook his hand, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead, but the light was too dim, and Yun Zilei didn't notice it.

The weather conditions at this time are relatively bad. In winter in the imperial capital, it is about ten degrees below zero at night, and the road surface is slippery, which is indeed a bit dangerous.

Yun Zilei was a little flustered, but after that phone call, Yunfeng didn't call again, which showed that Xiao Yijin was still worried about what she really did to the nursery rhyme, so she stopped.

Jin Kui got out of the car to hug Tong Yao. It was snowing heavily outside and Tong Yao was wearing a dress. When he picked up Tong Yao, Tong Yao shivered from the cold.

He narrowed his eyes, could it be... Nursery rhyme woke up?
It shouldn't be, did he buy fake medicine?
Yun Zilei was opening the door. Seeing that Jin Kui hadn't come down for a long time, he shouted impatiently: "Hurry up, what are you waiting for? Take her upstairs and lock her up."

"Yes." Jin Kui carried the nursery rhyme all the way upstairs, put her gently on the bed, turned on the air conditioner thoughtfully before going out, and then closed the door.

Tong Yao got up immediately, walked to the door and put her ears on the door, trying to hear what Yun Zilei was saying, but she didn't hear anything.

Xiao Yijin must be very anxious when she was taken away.

But without a mobile phone, she couldn't send messages to Xiao Yijin at all.

Looking around the nursery rhyme in the house, her eyes fell on the window. If it is not high, she can escape through the window.

But something desperate happened, and the windows were locked.

What exactly does Yun Zilei want to do?

He wouldn't really want to take a photo of himself in LUO and post it online?
This is a bit too disgusting.

No, we must find a way to protect ourselves and not let Yun Zilei's plot succeed.

Moreover, she should not become Xiao Yijin's weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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