Chapter 386

In this room, apart from the bed, there is only a drunkard and a table and chair. How can I use these things.

Xiao Yijin tracked Yun Zilei's car all the way to the villa.

It's just that more than an hour has passed, and he was a little flustered. Although there were no photos, the nursery rhyme was in his hands, which made him feel uneasy.

Along the way, Xiao Yijin was very anxious. Seeing this, Lao Zhang comforted him: "Young master, don't worry, Miss Tong is very smart, so nothing will happen to her. If something happens, I think something happened to Yun Zilei."

Hearing Lao Zhang's words, Xiao Yijin didn't feel at ease in the slightest. If Yun Zilei encountered nursery rhymes in normal times, there must be no good fruit to eat.

But the people from the security department called and said that they found a small towel in the hall, which was stained with inhalational anesthetics, which meant that Nursery Rhyme must have fainted when he was taken away.

Without any consciousness, she had no way to resist everything Yun Zilei did.

That's what worries him.

Lifting her lowered head, killing intent appeared in Xiao Yijin's eyes, Yun Zilei.

Xiao Yijin called out all the company's bodyguards and headed towards Yun Zilei's villa together.

As the snow fell harder and harder, Xiao Yijin knocked on the door of Yunzilei's villa, but no one opened it for a long time.

Just when he was about to break the door, the door opened, and Jin Kui opened the door with a pale face: "Mr. Xiao, you have come!"

"Where is my wife?" Xiao Yijin grabbed Jin Kui by the collar, and seeing Jin Kui's expression, he had already anticipated the worst outcome, breathing became a little difficult, and Xiao Yijin's hands trembled slightly.

"In...the room upstairs, the one facing the stairs. Yun Zilei has been in...for half an hour." Jin Kui also wanted to help, but Yun Zilei was cruel. At that time, even his family members will be implicated, so he dare not.

Xiao Yijin understood what half an hour represented.

Old Zhang was afraid that Xiao Yijin would rush in and do something irreversible, so he waved to the bodyguards behind him: "You guys, go up."

"No, I'll go in person." Xiao Yijin took a deep breath and strode upstairs. The door of that room was closed, and there was no sound in the room.

"Master... I'll come, I'll come." Lao Zhang was afraid that everything in the house would be unacceptable to Xiao Yijin, so he walked in front of Xiao Yijin.

I'm sorry, I'm not going to make rumors.

Xiao Yijin took a deep breath, raised her foot and kicked open the door in front of her. In an instant, a smell of blood mixed with the smell of alcohol came to her face.

Everything in the house made everyone look dumbfounded.

I saw Yun Zilei sitting on the chair in front of him with a bloody head, his hands were tied up with a sheet, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he looked very miserable.

At this time, Tong Yao was holding a wine bottle in one hand, and was stepping on Yun Zilei's leg with one leg, with an extremely arrogant appearance.

Everyone can't help but feel ashamed...


"Xiao Yijin, you are here, I..." Before Tong Yao could finish speaking, Xiao Yijin hugged her tightly. He was so strong that Tong Yao could hardly catch her breath.

"I'm sorry Yaoyao, I'm sorry..." Xiao Yijin's self-blaming voice came from above her head, and Tongyao's heart throbbed.

Lao Zhang's eyes were a little sour. He could see Xiao Yijin's self-blame and guilt all the way. Fortunately, the nursery rhyme was fine, otherwise he really couldn't imagine what their young master would do.

(End of this chapter)

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