Chapter 389 She Is The Love Of My Life

He was beaten, but Xiao was not angry at all, instead he smiled even more happily: "Beating is kissing or scolding or love. I know you are embarrassed to kiss me, so you borrowed gestures, I understand."

Nursery rhyme: "Xiao Yijin, why do you think you have such a thick skin?"

Looking at Tong Yao's cold eyes, Xiao slightly shrugged his shoulders: "What is shame? In order to chase you, I don't even want moral integrity, so why bother."

Nursery Rhyme: ""

After talking to you for a long time, the nursery rhyme ran out of words. In the end, she gave Xiao Yijin a glare, got up and went to the bathroom.

After confirming that the nursery rhyme had left, Xiao Yijin took out her mobile phone and sent a message back to Lao Zhang: "Don't tell the ugly girl about this."

A few seconds later, Lao Zhang replied, "Understood."

Even if Tong Yao had beaten Yun Zilei himself, but bullied his wife, how could it have passed so easily.

This time, if it wasn't for Tong Yao's cleverness, something would have happened long ago.

"Ding dong." The game chat message rang, and the nursery rhyme clicked on it, and it turned out to be Zhuang Xinyu.

He didn't even read the content, he directly blocked Zhuang Xinyu and closed the chat dialog box.

The confession at the Christmas party was because of this woman, Zhuang Xinyu, and it almost fell short. If the ugly girl saw that she was still dating a woman now.

At that time, I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it off.

As long as Zhuang Xinyu is blocked, Xiao Yijin will no longer be able to see any messages from Zhuang Xinyu, but he forgot one thing, that is, nursery rhymes can be seen.

Tong Yao came back from the bathroom and saw Zhuang Xinyu's voice transmission: "I have known each other for three years, and Yiinch Xiangsi suddenly proposed to break up the relationship. At first I thought it was because he didn't love me anymore. It was only then that I realized that Yicun Xiangsi had not hooked up with the guest officer before he broke up with me, and they all said that we should get together and break up, but my heart really hurts, obviously he was the one who sorry for me first .”

When Wu Jie saw this message, he almost fainted from laughing. This Zhuang Xinyu had turned their boss into a Hulk, and now he actually said that the boss was sorry for him?

Fuck, this cheek is really thick-skinned!

After reading the message, Tong Yao turned slightly to look at Xiao Yijin.

Xiao, who blocked Zhuang Xinyu, didn't know about it at all, and was still humming a little song and writing the book, looking very comfortable.

Tong Yao didn't understand why Zhuang Xinyu came out again to find a sense of presence. She and Xiao Yijin hooked up early?

How could she not know...

Zhuang Xinyu's reputation in the game has long been bad, and not many people are willing to believe her words.

She sang a one-man show for a long time, but Xiao Yijin and nursery rhymes ignored her, and no one answered her, Zhuang Xinyu felt a little embarrassed.

Then he sent another sentence: "I just want to warn nursery rhymes that you will not be the last love of Yicun Acacia."

Seeing this, Tong Yao was about to reply, but the keyboard was pulled away by someone, and then someone began to enter information.

Looking at the words he typed, Tong Yao glared at him, dissatisfied and wanted to grab the keyboard back.

How could Xiao Yijin let her succeed, and said directly: "Hey, you don't let me write like this, if I use my account to post, the content won't be so fresh."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

It won't be very small and refreshing, forget it, I dare not think about it.

This shameless person.

Seeing the nursery rhyme and sitting back with a stern face, Xiao finished typing with a smile, and sent a voice transmission: "She is not only my last love, but also my wife, the love of my life, and there is , you be quiet, my wife is asleep, don't wake her up."

After the message was sent out, everyone was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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