The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 390 Tearing the lotus with hands is everyone's responsibility

Chapter 390 Tearing the lotus with hands is everyone's responsibility

This... Yicun Xiangsi sent a message using an account that is not allowed by the guest officer. It is fine to make a strong confession and slap Zhuang Xinyu in the face, and also said that my wife is asleep...

Seriously, why didn't I find that Yicun Acacia was so contrived before?There is no sound in this message, how could it still disturb his wife?
Moreover, the amount of information in this thousand-mile sound transmission is a bit large. These two people... live together?

What the fuck?

After Zhuang Xinyu knew that Xiao Yijin was Lovesickness Inch, her whole mentality collapsed. She liked Xiao Yijin, and everyone knew it. Until the nursery rhyme appeared later, she was forced to give up.

I thought that she would never have any contact with Xiao Yijin in this life, but I didn't expect them to have such a long relationship in the game, which shows...they are still destined.

So she was unwilling to be abandoned and forgotten like this, so she wanted to talk to Xiao Yijin, who would have thought that she would be blocked just after sending a message...

And recently, someone on the post bar broke the news that Xiao Yijin and Tongyao had met and fell in love. Only then did she know that the two of them had known each other for a long time. If Xiao Yijin hadn't hooked up with Tongyao, then he wouldn't have forced her to divorce, definitely not. .

If it weren't for the emergence of nursery rhymes, her life wouldn't be off track, and she wouldn't be unable to get along in and out of the game.

It's just that now, she has nothing left, what else can she do besides say some angry words on the Internet?
Are you really going to give up completely?
Seeing Zhuang Xinyu being slapped in the face, Wu Jie and the others immediately jumped out,
Kidney treasure, tastes great: "Boss 666..."

Dijia Altman: "The boss is mighty and domineering, take good care of my sister-in-law, and don't let her get pregnant."

Nursery rhyme Black question mark face, fetal gas?

Superman can't fly: "Tearing the lotus with hands is everyone's responsibility."

When I'm cheap, you laugh: "Don't be sour, so-and-so. Our sister-in-law was brought back by our boss after a lot of hard work. She is not as sticky as someone who can't be driven away. We agreed to get married for a mission. But when it comes to divorce, there is a person who is so shameless, and now you are talking about knowing and loving each other, who the hell knows and loves you? How do you have the face to say such a thing? "


Watching these words on World Channel, Zhuang Xinyu sat in front of the computer and pursed her lips.

Indeed, when Xiao Yijin asked her to marry him, he made it very clear.

But no matter how they have been in love for so long, is there really no friendship at all?

After thinking about it, Xiao Yijin removed Zhuang Xinyu from the blacklist, because if he was on the blacklist, Zhuang Xinyu would not be able to see the message he sent after a while.

Yicun Xiangsi: "You're right, Yaoyao and I hooked up a long time ago, as long as 18 years ago, when she was still in her mother's womb, our mothers made an appointment for us. I made a marriage contract, but I was too young at the time to remember this contract, if I had known earlier, I would have stayed by her side since she was a child, and would not let any boy have a chance to get close to her."

"Damn it, I'm sore again, are you married with your fingertips?"

"Ma Dan, is this a real existence?"

"Don't let any boy have a chance to get close to her, it's really fucking overbearing."

"This is someone else's boyfriend! Someone else's! Look back at mine, shit, I don't have a boyfriend!"


The nursery rhyme was really about Wu Jie and the others' heartfelt words, and Xiao Yijin's voice transmission from thousands of miles came out. Her eyes sank slightly, "What do you mean by not letting any boy have a chance to get close to me?"

After hearing this, Xiao turned his head slightly: "Because, in that case, you will only see me."

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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