Chapter 398

The nursery rhyme was shivering from the cold, and the culprit, Xiao Bao, was still jumping around happily in the room.

"Yaoyao, are you up?" Mr. Feng's voice came from downstairs, and Tongyao replied loudly, "Are you up!"

Mr. Feng: "Come down!"

Nursery Rhyme: "Good!"

Opening the door and going out to see the people in the living room downstairs, Tong Yao retreated to the room in a second and closed the door.


have a guest……

And she was a familiar guest, she had never met Xiao Yijin's mother, but she had met Xiao Yao.

The dignified woman on the sofa must be Sister Ting.

It's just that these two couples are not in the hospital to accompany Xiao Yan, what are they doing here with her...

So panic.

Usually, there are only her and grandpa in this house, and she often walks around in her pajamas, who would have thought that a guest would come today.

Wash and change clothes with the fastest clothes, and a few minutes later, Tong Yao walked down the stairs slowly, and said to Xiao Yao and Yu Ting, "Hello, Uncle and Auntie."

As soon as Yu Ting saw nursery rhyme, her face was covered with a smile for a second, and her eyes were narrowed. She walked over quickly and grabbed nursery rhyme's hand affectionately: "Yaoyao, our family has a bad problem and a bad one. Dadui, being with him really wronged you, I don't understand how he abducted you?"

Xiao Yao broke out in a cold sweat when he heard Yu Ting's words.

Can't his wife save Xiao Yijin some face?It was agreed that she would come to visit the old man, but since she came here, she clung to his nursery rhymes.

If he had known this earlier, he would not have brought her here.

Yu Ting's overzealousness made Tong Yao a little flustered.

I had no choice but to agree and said: "Xiao Yijin is actually okay, not as bad as you said, he is actually... quite caring."


Hearing these two words, Xiao Yao and Yu Ting looked at each other in shock.

Don't they know Xiao Yijin's virtue?
That is an Internet-addicted teenager who is addicted to games every day. In his world, games are the most important thing.

It's impossible to be considerate to girls!
Looking at the nursery rhymes, Yu Ting became more and more satisfied with her daughter-in-law. Although she looked a little calmer on the surface, she still thought of Xiao Yijin in her heart and would speak for him.

If her stupid son was half as caring as a nursery rhyme, she would be content.

"Yaoyao, if that boy Yijin treats you badly and makes you wronged, just tell me and I will definitely cut him off." Yu Ting's words successfully made Xiao Yao sweat for Xiao Yijin.

Mr. Feng smiled in satisfaction.

This mother-in-law Yaoyao is not bad, she is more pleasing to the eye than the Xiao family boy.

Yu Ting started chatting with nursery rhymes, talking more and more vigorously, Xiao Yao looked at his posture, if he didn't say he was going to leave, then Yu Ting would be able to talk to nursery rhymes until the sky was dark.

Although Tong Yao kept smiling and nodding throughout the chat, Yu Ting couldn't stop herself.

Seeing this, Xiao Yao had no choice but to clear his throat and said, "Honey, should we go back to the hospital to see Xiao Yan?"

"Xiao Yan? Just go and see, I'll chat with Yaoyao here." After Yu Ting finished speaking, she immediately took Tongyao's hand and continued: "Yaoyao, you don't know, Yijin When I was a child, I secretly went to the game city to play games, and I grabbed it by the collar, just like carrying a chicken, and there is..."

Carry the chicken...

The picture was so strong that Tong Yao couldn't help but chuckle.

Xiao Yao sat there and took a sip of tea in embarrassment. If Yu Ting wasn't taken away, I'm afraid Xiao Yijin would tell her all the embarrassing things about Xiao Yijin's childhood.

(End of this chapter)

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