The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 399 Dating matters, dating matters

Chapter 399 Dating matters, dating matters

In order to save Xiao Yijin the last bit of face, Xiao Yao said silently again: "Honey, just now Lao Zhang sent us a WeChat message, saying that our son's rumored girlfriend has gone to the hospital."

Gossip Girl?

Yu Ting was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly: "Gossip girlfriend? Does that mean you haven't become Yan'er's girlfriend yet? It's okay. I'll go and see him after he confesses his love. Going too early now will scare people." The little girl, maybe she was scared away."

Xiao Yao: "..."

This seemed to make sense, but he couldn't refute it.

I sighed silently in my heart, son, I can only help you so far.

"Ding dong... ding dong..." The doorbell rang, Tong Yao smiled and got up: "I'll go and open the door."

Walking to the door and opening it, Xiao Yijin's tall figure appeared in front of the door. He directly reached out and took Tong Yao into his arms: "Yao Yao, I haven't seen you all night, miss me?"

"Ahem... in the room..." Tong Yao didn't expect this guy to come out as soon as he opened the door. She coughed twice to remind him that there was someone in the room.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by someone Xiao: "A little cough? Did you catch a cold last night? Do you want to see a doctor?"

"No, I don't have a cold. There are people in the room." Tong Yao pushed Xiao Yijin away with some embarrassment. Xiao Yijin looked up and saw Yu Ting's head poking out from not far away.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Xiao Yijin lowered her eyes: "Sister Ting, why did you come to Grandpa Feng's house so early in the morning?"

Yu Ting stood up, confidently: "Why can't I come if you can come?"

Xiao Yijin: "I'm here to pick up Yaoyao and send her back to school. She has her final exam tomorrow."

Hearing this, Yu Ting was naturally not to be outdone, "I'll come and see my daughter-in-law and her grandfather, can't I?"

Xiao Yijin: "Okay, okay, Yaoyao, have you packed your books? Take them down and let's go."

"Okay, I'll get it now." After Tong Yao finished speaking, she quickly ran upstairs.

After hearing the nursery rhyme, she was about to leave, and Yu Ting suddenly became unhappy.

She hasn't had a good chat yet, and now if the nursery rhyme is gone, there is no telling when I will have a chance to chat with her again.

Xiao Yao glanced at Yu Ting's face, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "The young couple should have activities alone, what are you doing?"

Alone activities?

Are you going on a date?
Thinking of this, Yu Ting had no choice but to sigh, forget it, the date is important, the date is important.

Let's talk about the chat another day.

Tong Yao came down from upstairs with the bag, and said to Mr. Feng, "Grandpa, you have to remember to feed me Xiaobao, I've already soaked the milk, and I'll feed him when it's cold."

The old man nodded: "No problem."

Walking to the side of Yu Ting and Xiao Yao, Tong Yao smiled again and said, "Goodbye, uncle and aunt."

Xiao Yijin reached out and took the nursery rhyme bag and carried it back naturally, then turned her head and said, "Mom and Dad, I'll go first, Grandpa Feng, I'll go first."

After the words fell, the two left.

Yu Ting sent the two of them away with a smile. She was about to leave, but she remembered the words nursery rhyme said before leaving.

Then he turned his head to look at Mr. Feng, and asked softly, "Mr., who is this little treasure?"

Mr. Feng lightly paused his hand while drinking tea, and there was a hint of slyness in his eyes: "Xiaobao, he is the son of Yaoyao and your brat."

Hearing this, Yu Ting and Xiao Yao's eyes widened in fright.

Did they hear it right?
Nursery rhyme and Xiao Yijin's son?


Are you kidding me?

(End of this chapter)

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