Chapter 505 Little Treasure Doing Things

Before the meal was finished, Mr. Feng sent a video on Wechat. Tong Yao picked up the phone and saw Xiaobao's furry face before he even started talking.

Then Xiaobao was thrown aside by the old man, who pointed the camera at a pot of Clivia, and said angrily, "Yaoyao, look at the good deeds your son has done!"

Tong Yao didn't see it at first, but when he looked closer, he saw that Xiao Bao actually defecated in the old man's baby flower. He wanted to laugh, but Tong Yao held back.

"Ahem, um, grandpa, um... what kind of toilet do you use to dispose of the poop, anyway, you put the flowers in the yard and don't move them into the house, so it won't affect much, right?" After the nursery rhyme said this, Xiao, who was sitting opposite, understood in a second what bad things Xiaobao had done again.

Liang swished: "Grandpa Feng, Xiaobao is fine if he didn't eat your flowers."

Originally, the old man was heartbroken enough, but hearing Xiao Yijin's words was even more uncomfortable: "Eat? Do you think he didn't eat? It took a long time to grow a flower bud, and he ate it with one mouthful!"

Xiao Yijin: "..."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

The old man really wanted to cry, so he switched the video to the front, showing his big beard: "Yaoyao, when will you come back to fix your brat! Grandpa, I'm going crazy!"

"We bought the plane ticket in the afternoon, and we'll be home in the evening. Grandpa, please be patient, and I'll fix Xiaobao when I come back." Just as the nursery rhyme finished speaking, Xiaobao screamed, as if dissatisfied with what the nursery rhyme said.

Before the old man replied, he suddenly screamed: "Xiaobao! Xiaobao, don't eat the hydrangeas of Laozi!"

And then, the video hangs up...

It seems that Xiaobao is about to wake up.

Xiao Yijin looked at the nursery rhyme, and said in a low voice: "I know a dog training expert, and I have already made an appointment. When we go back, we will make an appointment with him to train Xiaobao."

Tong Yao nodded: "Okay."

Training is necessary, and Xiaobao cannot be allowed to grow freely...

If you let it go, the house will be demolished sooner or later, but training very difficult, and I don't know which dog trainer can stick to it...

When Tong Yao and Xiao Yijin arrived home, it was nearly nine o'clock, and they heard the voice of the old man playing a game at the door: "Zhong Lu Tuan Zhong Lu Tuan, there is a wave, don't give them a chance to develop!"

The two walked in and found that Xiaobao was sleeping soundly on the old man's belly. The old man who threatened to teach Xiaobao a lesson was even worried that Xiaobao would be cold, so he even pulled a small blanket to cover Xiaobao.

"Grandpa, we're back." Tong Yao put the luggage aside and was about to hug Xiaobao, but woke up before entering Xiaobao.

He jumped down and flicked his little tail around Nursery Rhyme's feet.

Squatting down and hugging Xiaobao in his arms, Tong Yao asked with a smile, "Grandpa, then I'll go up and fix Xiaobao first."

"No, just fix it here, I have to watch you fix him." The old man squinted at Tong Yao, and then returned to the game.

Seeing this, Tong Yao pushed Xiaobao to sit on the sofa, took out his phone and clicked on a video.

Voice: "Dog meat soup, dog meat soup is a soup made from dog meat. Dog meat soup is made from the fresh dog meat of the day. There is no old soup..."

Old man: "..."

Tong Yao reached out and slapped Xiaobao's butt: "Xiaobao, did you hear that, if you don't obey me in the future, I will stew you!"

(End of this chapter)

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