Chapter 506 Silly Son Xiaobao

Xiao Bao stared at Nursery Rhyme's cell phone in a daze with wide eyes, not afraid at all.

Xiao Yijin was amused: "You still expect Erha to understand this?"

The nursery rhyme is a bit hopeless. In the various jokes, the dogs tremble as soon as they hear the voice of the dog meat soup, and some of them just hold their phones in their mouths, but their little treasure... can't understand it at all!

But what can be done then?

No matter how stupid he is, his own son can only be pampered.

One morning two days later, Tong Yao was sleeping and thinking, when she heard someone opened her door, if someone came and Xiaobao didn't call, it meant it was her own.

She opened her eyes, and saw the old man secretly carrying something on her table, and then tiptoed away, taking Xiao Bao with him when he went out.

Yawning, Tong Yao pulled up the quilt and covered her head and continued to sleep, sleeping until noon.

I found that it was a dress, and there was a note left by the old man on it: "Eight o'clock in the evening is the dinner of the business summit. You will inherit Feng's wine business in the future, so grandpa wants to introduce you to grandpa's business partners and friends .”

Sighing, Tong Yao picked up the dress and looked at it. Although she didn't like those occasions, grandpa had no children, and she was the only descendant. He treated her so well, and she couldn't let him down.

The old man is on the list of the richest people in China, so the people he knows are naturally very successful entrepreneurs.

Anyway, there will be more occasions like this in the future, and it shouldn't be difficult to deal with some successful people.

At 07:30 in the evening, Lao Yu came to pick up Tong Yao. In the car, Tong Yao sent a message to Xiao Yijin: "I will accompany grandpa to the dinner."

Xiao Yijin: "I'll wait for you at the hotel entrance."

Tong Yao was taken aback when she received the message. She originally thought that Xiao Yijin would be very busy today and would not attend the dinner party, but she didn't expect him to arrive early.

Lao Yu was driving the car, seeing that the nursery rhyme didn't say a word, he said sweetly: "Miss, don't be nervous, the chairman is here, you just need to follow him the whole way."

"Yeah." Tong Yao squeezed her phone and looked out the window. She was just attending a dinner party. It wasn't the first time she attended, so naturally she wasn't nervous.

It's just that tonight, she was always a little restless, as if something was about to happen, which made her a little irritable.

It was raining patter outside, and the temperature was very low. Thinking of everything that happened a few days ago, Nursery Rhyme asked, "Is Yunfeng Group included in the invitation to this dinner party?"

"No, the last time they kidnapped Miss, it was a stalemate with our group, but Miss, your father and Xiao Ershao's parents are both invited to this dinner. If you feel embarrassed, avoid the people from the Tong family That's good." Lao Yu is a delicate person, he understands what nursery rhyme is worried about.

Over the years, Mr. Feng has never given up on finding the whereabouts of Feng Ran and the child, but more than ten years ago, the information he found was that Feng Ran had committed suicide with the child.

If the Xiao family hadn't revealed the information about the nursery rhyme later, the old man would never have known that the nursery rhyme was still alive.

If he had known that Tong Yao was alive, he would have brought her back a long time ago, so why did he make her suffer so many years in Tong's house.

Outside the hotel, Tong Yao put on his coat and got out of the car with an umbrella, and Lao Yu went to park the car.

She walked towards the hotel quickly, and saw a woman standing opposite Xiao Yijin from a distance, that woman was holding up her mobile phone as if she was talking about something...

In the rain, she got closer and closer, and found that the person standing opposite Xiao Yijin was... Qin Yiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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