Chapter 540 Little Treasure Was Sealed

The more money she is willing to spend, the more important that person is in her heart...

So, is his status in Yaoyao's heart already that high now?

Unable to restrain the joy in her heart, Xiao Yijin directly sent a thank you wife.

Then a screenshot was sent to the circle of friends in a second, with the text: Your lady is mighty.

Looking at the circle of friends sent by someone Xiao, the nursery rhyme is really uncomfortable, it is her hard-earned money: "My heart hurts so much that I can't breathe, I can't find it, the traces left by the money..."

Listening to nursery rhymes, Xiao Bao raised his head with the ball in his mouth, as if asking: Ma Ma, what are you singing about?
The comments under Xiao Yijin's circle of friends are surprisingly unanimous: Damn, 666!

The matter has come to this point, nursery rhyme can't say much, so I can only endure the pain silently and go to sleep.

Even when I fall asleep, I still feel pain in the flesh. It takes a lot of books and materials to make money...

Lying on the bed tossing and turning, the fan base began calling for her to give out red envelopes.

Nursery rhyme now feels a headache seeing money, but after thinking about it, so much money has been sent out, so do you still care about small money?
So our Tong Daxie sent out a few more red envelopes in the fan group.

It didn't take long until nursery rhyme fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, she fell asleep and woke up naturally. No one called her. She was bouncing downstairs in her pajamas with her hair disheveled. When she turned around, she saw someone sitting on the sofa...

Seeing who was coming, Tong Yao felt a little embarrassed, stretched out his hand and scratched his hair and said with a smile, "Da Yu, why are you here?"

When Dayu saw the nursery rhyme appearing like this, he was taken aback for a moment before he came back to his senses: "Oh, well, my dad and I came to ask Grandpa Feng to go fishing together, you want to go with us?"

For some reason, Dayu stuttered a bit when speaking.

"Fishing? How do you fish in winter? And I think it's snowing outside. I'm afraid the road will be closed now." Tong Yao said, and turned to go back to the room: "You guys go, I'll go back and sleep for a while Besides, I still have to take care of Xiaobao at home."

"Yaoyao, let's go together. We used to go fishing in a natural lake in the suburbs. This winter the lake is frozen, so it's better to fish. If you make a small hole in the ice, small fish will come in. , Xiaobao can take it with you, don’t you know that huskies are sled dogs? Are you slapping him cold?” The old man came out of the study fully armed, with three pairs of fishing rods in his hand, “Hurry up and get ready , How boring you are to stay at home alone, go out with us for activities."

Tong Yao had no interest in fishing, but the old man's eyes were full of anticipation, thinking that it would be good if he could accompany grandpa, Tong Yao went back to change clothes.

By the way, I took the little padded coat and shoes she bought for Xiaobao and forced Xiaobao to wear them.

When the old man and the others saw Xiaobao who was fully armed, they all couldn't help laughing.

And Xiaobao was even more confused: Who am I?Where am I?What am I going to do?I seem to be sealed by something, papa save me!
Xiaobao's heart is broken, there is a kind of coldness, which makes you feel cold!
"Come here, Yaoyao, let's take a group photo together." The old man took out his fashionable selfie stick, and his posture was beyond skilled.

A group of people took pictures and got into their respective cars. The old man sent the photos just now to Moments, with the text: Snow fishing set off.

In City D, Xiao Yijin, who was having dinner, scrolled through the circle of friends boredly, and saw the old man's circle of friends.

Click on it, first saw the nursery rhyme, and then... saw Dayu standing behind the nursery rhyme with a happy smile on his face?

Xiao Yijin:? ? ?

Do something while he's away?
And the two of them are standing too close together...

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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