The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 541 Talking about money hurts feelings

Chapter 541 Talking about money hurts feelings

"Second brother, can you take me out to play in the afternoon?" Xiao Zihan sipped the soup, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

Anyway, Xiao Yan is unreliable, sometimes she can only rely on Xiao Yijin if she wants to go out to play, besides, she was locked when she looked for the card first, only Xiao Yijin would give her money.

As the eldest brother, it would be nice not to help Sister Ting lock her at home.

"Bang!" A loud noise scared Xiao Zihan enough, and at this time Xiao Yijin's face was so dark that it was almost dripping water, "Second brother, why don't you go if you don't go, why are you getting so angry!"

"It's true, everyone becomes so scary when they fall in love. I'm your dearest sister, and no one is willing to help me." Xiao Zihan sat on the sofa beside her with her soup bowl in her hands. On the screen, Xiao Yan was staring at the tablet and didn't know what he was looking at, but judging by his high spirits, he must be secretly chatting with his rumored girlfriend again.

"Hey, why do I have such a hard life, I met you two guys who value sex and despise girls." Xiao Zihan muttered, while pressing the TV with the remote control, there are always various parties on TV these days, TV dramas are nothing Good looking, "It's really annoying."

After complaining, Xiao Zihan sent the bowl in his hand to the kitchen, and the moment he turned around, he heard someone's warm voice: "Hey, little fat man, how about we make a deal?"

"Little Fatty?" Shocked by this title, Xiao Zihan pointed at himself speechlessly, but looked around, and found that there was no one else in the restaurant except himself and Xiao Yijin.

The little fat man he was talking about was indeed her!
Although it is said that she gained a few catties during the Chinese New Year, it is not enough to become a little fat person.

"Hey, Xiao Yijin, although I'm not as thin as my sister-in-law, but my figure is okay? How did I become a little fat?" Xiao Zihan expressed dissatisfaction, pulled away the chair beside Xiao Yijin and sat directly next to him .

Xiao Yijin was not in a hurry, she drank the chicken soup in the bowl slowly, then squinted at Xiao Zihan, he just looked at her like that, and didn't speak, Xiao Zihan's back was a little chilled by his watching.

If it wasn't a last resort, he wouldn't want to ask Xiao Zihan for help, because this girl is not reliable at all.

But Xiao Zihan is also a woman anyway, and women always understand women better than men.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yijin asked coolly, "Tell me, what kind of surprises do girls like nursery rhymes prefer?"

"Ah?" Xiao Zihan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Damn it, Xiao Yijin, you are stumped by this question!"

Seeing Xiao Zihan's laughing face, Xiao Yijin's face became even uglier, "I thought I'd give you some pocket money if you could help, but seeing your attitude, I decided to find another partner."

As soon as Xiao Zihan heard the pocket money, Xiao Zihan's eyes turned cold instantly, and he smiled very doglegly and said: "Second brother, don't do this, we are brothers and sisters, talking about money hurts feelings, I can help you, of course I It's a death sentence!"

Do not give up?

Xiao Yijin glanced at Xiao Zihan in disgust, can Xiao Zihan stop being so exaggerated?
If Xiao Zihan didn't know that Xiao Yijin didn't like physical contact, she would have hugged her arms and acted like a baby.

But acting like a baby may be useful to Xiao Yan, but it is really useless to her strange second brother.

(End of this chapter)

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