Chapter 593 Female anchor?Pet blogger?

a waste of resource?

Tong Yao thought this statement was weird, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

So he nodded.

After nodding her head, it took her a long time before she realized that Xiao Yijin couldn't see her nodding, and she was driven away by her stupid crying: "Okay, I see."

After the words fell, the two of them went to do the task together for a while, and then began to travel around the mountains and rivers.

Just when Tong Yao was leaning on the chair and thinking about life, Jiang Ya's voice came over with a little distaste: "Tong Yao, isn't your Weibo account just called guest officer? The profile picture is Xiaobao's photo?"

Tong Yao nodded while eating melon seeds: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"How can I say hello, a popular female anchor, she has to post selfies every now and then, what kind of benefits are there for fans who have over a million fans, but look at you, what are you posting?" Jiang Ya looked at the content on Nursery Rhyme Weibo, and the more she read it, the more disgusted she became.

The nursery rhyme is a little unclear, so: "My Weibo content is very healthy and uplifting."

"No? Fairy, do you have any misunderstandings about yourself? You are a female anchor, a celebrity with millions of fans on Weibo, but your Weibo... 80.00% are Xiaobao, and the rest That 20.00% is either a game or a cold joke, people who don’t know will think you are a pet blogger!” Jiang Ya was really convinced, she had never seen such a buddhist anchor of nursery rhymes.

The other anchors are thinking about how to post selfies to keep fans, but the nursery rhymes are good, except for Xiaobao, who are just bad jokes about sand sculptures.

Regarding Jiang Ya's dislike, the nursery rhyme is confused: "Isn't Xiaobao very good? A cold joke... isn't it also very good?"

"You have rejected all invitations to events before, but from now on you have the opportunity to appear in the public eye for the first time, so there will definitely be invitations to other large-scale events. Do you understand what business is?" Jiang Ya Looking at the nursery rhyme who is now wearing pajamas and leaning on the chair without any image, I just feel a headache.

"Xiaoya, don't be so nervous. This is an official event that you must participate in. I will not participate in other activities. After all, I am a student. When we signed the contract, we discussed special terms in the contract. Everything is academically important." Tong Yao yawned as she spoke.

Seeing her like that, Jiang Ya didn't bother to say anything, anyway, nursery rhymes will understand her meaning slowly.

Some things, once started, will become out of control later.

She hopes that Tongyao can become better, because Tongyao has the potential to become a star, but if Tongyao likes her current life, that's fine, after all, those things in the entertainment industry are not something that Tongyao can handle.

Time flies by, and it's time to go back to accompany the old man on Friday.

The nursery rhyme originally didn't know what Xiao Yijin did to Qin Yiyi and Zhuang Xinyu, until after school in the afternoon, she was blocked outside the teaching building by Qin Yiyi's parents.

Seeing the cold expressions of the two of them, she knew that things must not be simple.

Qin's mother looked at the nursery rhyme, raised her finger to the nursery rhyme's nose and said, "You are also a girl, why are you so vicious? Where did you get those photos? Why are you so shameless? Why are you so uneducated, and you can post like that?" Give the elders a photo of yours? My Yiyi is almost depressed because of you now!"

Tong Yao didn't know what kind of photo Mother Qin was talking about, but she could vaguely guess that she was going to get that small video at the time, but she only knew which videos contained Zhuang Xinyu, and she didn't expect that there were other photos in it. Qin Yiyi, this Yun Zilei is very good at playing...

But isn't this old woman's accusations a bit too strange, she has no shame?She has no tutor?She is vicious?
Excuse me?

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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