The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 594 The blue is better than the blue

Chapter 594 The blue is better than the blue
"Qin Yiyi was killed by me?" Tong Yao couldn't help laughing out loud. Originally, she was still thinking about how Qin Yiyi's strange values ​​were formed, but when she saw Qin Yiyi's mother, she understood.

Qin Yiyi is that green comes from blue and is better than blue.

"If you hadn't sent such a photo to me and her father, would her self-esteem have been hit like this? My Yiyi was spoiled and raised since she was a child. She is the princess held in the palm of our Qin family. Her father and I have serious words. I don't want to say a word to her, but you are kind, you actually use such a low-handed way to destroy her self-esteem, how can you post such a photo! How can you humiliate my Yiyi with a photo like that!" Qin's mother was saying When he said these words, he looked very angry, as if Tong Yao had really done something heinous.

The nursery rhyme on the side was completely stunned. According to what this woman meant, she made up the photo?
How does Xiao Yijin do things?

How can the parties have such a misunderstanding?
Seeing that the nursery rhyme did not speak, Qin's mother continued to say aggressively: "My Yiyi can't go to class now, she is in a trance all day at home, you must go back and kneel down to apologize to her, and untie her knot, otherwise I, Qin The family will never let you go."


Also threatened.

Glancing at the two people walking slowly not far away, Tong Yao unhurriedly took out her mobile phone and called Xiao Yijin.

After the call was dialed, Xiao Yijin quickly answered the phone: "Yaoyao, what's wrong?"

Tong Yao didn't mince words with Xiao Yijin, and said directly: "Some people say that the photo of Qin Yiyi and Yun Zilei is fake, do you understand what to do?"

Xiao Yijin on the other end of the phone understood in seconds: "Okay, deal with it right away."

"Hmm, I still have to hang up beforehand." After hanging up the phone, Tong Yao looked at the man and woman in front of him with a smile.

After waiting quietly for a few seconds, the two people in front of them received email reminders at the same time. They hadn't planned to read it now, but Nursery Rhyme silently reminded: "Look at it, and it will be clear whether it belongs to me or not. "

The two hesitated for a moment, then clicked on the email, but not the video.

Because they are afraid that they will not be able to bear it.

Although it is said that with the current technology, the video can also be P, but if it is not true, nursery rhymes would not dare to let them watch it directly.

The weather was still a little cold, but the foreheads of the two standing in front of the nursery rhyme began to sweat.

They didn't believe that their daughter would do such a thing, so they dared to question nursery rhymes like this. Who would have thought that the truth was like a slap in the face, leaving them at a loss as to what to do.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Tong Yao slowly took a step forward, and said lightly: "Auntie, are you really interesting to talk? I have no shame? Isn't it Qin Yiyi who took that kind of video with a man without shame? I Without a tutor, why didn't you say that she didn't have a tutor when Qin Yiyi was looking for someone to frame me again and again? Qin Yiyi was the first to cause trouble, otherwise I wouldn't bother to do those things, because I was afraid of blinding my big bright eyes , I didn't do anything wrong, and I hate when people point their fingers at me, your Qin Yiyi is your baby, am I not my grandfather's baby?"

The nursery rhyme's voice was very cold. After she finished speaking, she slapped Mother Qin's hand away from her eyes.

Qin's mother was so angry that her face changed drastically. She raised her hand and wanted to point to the nursery rhyme to preach, but her hand was grabbed in mid-air. She thought it was her husband who was holding her back, so she didn't even look back. Shouted: "Let go of me, let me teach this dead girl who has no tutor! Mr. Feng is half buried, how long can he protect you?"

(End of this chapter)

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