Chapter 595

"The jewel in the palm of our Feng family is something that a shrew like you can move casually. Even if I am half buried in the ground, it is more than enough to repair people like you." A strange and cold voice came from behind, Only then did Qin's mother realize that something was wrong, and when she turned her head, she first saw Lao Yu with cold eyes.

Then he saw Mr. Feng standing not far behind her, who was full of coldness.

Although the relationship between the Qin family and the Feng family is not so close, they still met Mr. Feng at the chamber of commerce. Suddenly, the expressions of the couple became very exciting.

Qin's mother looked at Mr. Feng with a pale face. She was sharp-tongued just now, but now she seemed to be dumb.

She didn't know how long Mr. Feng had been here, but she must have heard what she said just now that Mr. Feng was half buried.

Qin Yiyi's father, Qin Dingtian, really wanted to die at this moment. He had just noticed that the old man was coming, and before he had time to stop his wife, everything had already happened.

The old man has been the president of the chamber of commerce for decades, so his methods and abilities needless to say. If he offends the old man, the Qin family will really have no good fruit in the future.

But now the best thing is to be silent, there are many mistakes, if you know that Mr. Feng will come to school to find nursery rhymes, the couple will not dare to come to school to find faults.

The old man's face was very ugly. If he hadn't come to pick up nursery rhymes with Lao Yu today, he wouldn't have known how arrogant the Qin family was.

"Yaoyao, when did you become so stupid? You were bullied, why didn't you say your grandfather's name?" The old man was holding a cane, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Hearing this, Qin's mother was even more frightened, so she explained tremblingly: "Chairman Feng, the misunderstanding is all a misunderstanding."

Hearing what she said, the old man suddenly laughed out loud: "I almost forgot, people say that I'm half buried in the ground, and they won't take an old man like me seriously."

These words directly frightened the couple of the Qin family. Qin Dingtian sweated profusely and said, "Chairman Feng, it's nothing. Don't think too much about it. We didn't mean that."

"Heh, if you don't have that intention, how dare you come to school to bully my granddaughter? If I hear you right, is this woman saying that she wants my baby Yaoyao to kneel to whom?" After talking about it, Feng The old man knocked heavily on the floor a few times with the crutch in his hand, the sound frightened the Qin family couple.

Qin's mother pretended to be calm and said: "That's because we didn't know she was your granddaughter. If we knew, we would definitely not say such things, so it's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding."

Seeing the hypocrisy of the woman in front of him, the old man didn't even want to talk to her: "Oh, are you bullying the old man? I have a bad ear or a bad memory? Old Yu, repeat what she just said!"

When Lao Yu heard this, he nodded immediately and said, "Miss said she was grandpa's treasure, and this woman said that Mr. Feng is half buried. How long can he protect you?"

After the words fell, the Qin family couple were speechless.

Nursery rhyme was silent on the sidelines, silently playing the role of the victim.

Of course, as long as the old man is around, it's true that she doesn't need to fix these little characters.

"Since you don't take me so seriously, then my chamber of commerce doesn't welcome you either, Lao Yu, notify the secretary of the chamber of commerce and issue an announcement that Qin's company will withdraw from the chamber of commerce immediately and never cooperate. The reason is to write... bullying me Granddaughter." The old man had just finished speaking, and the Qin family couldn't stand still.

(End of this chapter)

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