Chapter 596
Once the announcement letter is issued, which company in this chamber of commerce dares to cooperate with them, isn't this forcing them to die?

"Old man, old man, we know we were wrong, can we apologize to Miss Tong? You must not remove us from the chamber of commerce, give us another chance!" Qin Dingtian almost knelt down to the old man, the old man founded The Chamber of Commerce, the companies inside are all leaders in the industry, and they cooperate with each other for a win-win situation. The development momentum of the Chamber of Commerce has been the fastest in the past few years since the Qin family joined the Chamber of Commerce.

But now, because his wife said these words, they will be expelled, so their hard work will be ruined, and he really can't bear the result.

"You can't do this, old man. Our family has brought a lot of benefits to the Chamber of Commerce in the past few years!" As soon as Qin's mother said this, Qin Dingtian directly plugged in the phone without fainting, "Shut up!"

The old man on the side was amused by her words: "Your Qin family's company has always had the lowest performance in the chamber of commerce. How many companies are struggling to join the chamber of commerce? If it weren't for the friendship between Qin Dingtian's father and me back then, you I didn't have the qualifications to join the chamber of commerce from the very beginning, first I bullied my granddaughter, and then I looked down on my old man. I didn't state in the announcement that all companies in the chamber of commerce were not allowed to cooperate with you. Challenge?"

Although the old man is old, after all, he has been on the battlefield for a long time, and his aura is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The two were so frightened that they trembled and dared not speak again.

Seeing this, the old man looked at the nursery rhyme with a smile and said, "Yaoyao, in the future, if someone bullies you again, you should contact Uncle Yu directly, so you don't want to be wronged yourself, you know? You have to remember, our Feng family is in the business district It’s still a bit of a status, but it’s not something anyone can bully if they want to bully.”

Tong Yao knew that these words of the old man were actually meant for these two people, so they cooperated and said, "Grandpa, I remember."

"Okay, let's go home. By the way, why hasn't the kid from the Qin family come here yet? I'm not sensible. Do you want me to wait for him to go home together?" The old man is used to going home with Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao every Friday. Before Xiao Yijin could wait, she started talking.

Hearing this, Lao Yu answered immediately: "Second Young Master Xiao sent me a message. He has no class in the afternoon to go to the company. He said that Lao Zhang will send him over after get off work. We should go back first."

"Well, don't worry about him, grandpa, let's go home." Tong Yao held the old man's arm, and the group ignored the couple of Qin's family who were standing aside and walked slowly towards the school gate.

It wasn't until Tong Yao and the others disappeared from sight that Qin Ding lost his temper, "Qiu Lin, look at you, what are you doing!"

"Husband, what should we do now?" Qiu Lin, who was belatedly aware of the situation, realized the seriousness of the matter at this time. She didn't know how she would say such words just now, and the old man heard her.

Everyone knows that the old man's temper has always been very easy-going, and he is also approachable in the Chamber of Commerce. Over the years, only people have tried various methods to join the Chamber of Commerce, and no one has ever been excluded by him.

But this time, the old man was so ruthless that he directly kicked them out of the chamber of commerce.

Didn't this cut off their source of income?
As long as it doesn't hit the muzzle of the gun, there is still room for maneuver, but this time... it's really over.

(End of this chapter)

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