Chapter 597 No Beauty Trap, But Rich
On the car home, Tong Yao graciously beat the old man's leg: "Grandpa, I have to say, you were really handsome just now."

"Hmph, of course, when grandpa was young, girls who liked grandpa could travel several kilometers away." The old man squinted his eyes, obviously enjoying the praise of nursery rhymes.

After a while, he turned his head and said, "What's the matter with you and the Qin family?"

Tong Yao didn't want to annoy the old man by telling the nasty things Qin Yiyi did, so she said lightly, "It's not Xiao Yijin's rotten love."

She was right, the three culprits in this incident were all Xiao Yijin's rotten peach blossoms.

Looking at Tong Yao's little expression, the old man suddenly covered his mouth and snickered. The smile looked very thief, which made Tong Yao's back a little cold: "Grandpa, what kind of expression do you have?"

"There is a jealous smell in my family's Yaoyao's words. I am happy for Yijin boy. Grandpa has been observing for so long. In fact, this kid is barely worthy of my baby Yaoyao. That's right, sometimes he is still dull. It’s not romantic enough, I think when I chased your grandma back then, that was..." The old man talked about how he chased his wife for the Nth time, the nursery rhymes almost made his ears tingle, but seeing what the old man said He was very devoted, so he couldn't bear to disturb him.

At this time, Nursery Rhyme admires Lao Yu a little bit. Usually, there is no one at home, so my grandfather probably talks about this to Lao Yu every day...

Lao Yu is actually the worst person.

"Ding dong." The phone rang, and Tong Yao looked down, and there was someone in the sect group @她.

Clicking on it, I found that the atmosphere in the group was not quite right.

Altman Tiga: Big guest officer, when will you be able to go online?
Nursery Rhyme: About 15 minutes, I haven't got home yet, what happened?
You Yun: The suzerain of the Xianyu Liuzong sent a full-service voice transmission, saying that we will declare war on our sect at night, and we are going to grab the platform at night. The people in Mengran Jiangshan also clamored that the first sect will soon be replaced. .

Tong Yao frowned, this Mengran Jiangshan can really be a monster, but let's say Shi Tianxia is the number one since the opening of the server, even if Xiao Yijin is not here today, she must find a way to hold the stage.

After thinking for a while, Nursery Rhyme typed quickly: Wait, isn't the Xianyu Liuzong an alliance with us?
I used Rejoice for shampooing my hair: I quit half an hour ago, and now I have joined Mengran Jiangshan and the others. The situation in our sect is a bit tense. After all, Xianyu is the second sect in this server. They are in an alliance. It is not easy for us to fight.

Wu Jie: Actually, I have a question that I don't understand. Why did Xianyu suddenly want to form an alliance with Mengran Jiangshan?

Xiaojian: Because many female players in Meng Ran Jiangshan married male players in the Immortal Domain, and that so-called Tutu married the suzerain of the Immortal Domain, so the Immortal Domain rebelled.

The old man washes his hair with Rejoice: Damn, a beauty trick?Yes, yes, 666.

In the past, because there were the first sect and the second sect guarding the alliance in the past, it was always peaceful when fighting for the table, and basically it was impossible to fight.

But now that Xianyu and Mengran Jiangshan are allied, the situation will change tonight.

To be honest, it's been a long time since I've fought, and the nursery rhyme just feels extra exciting.

Such a high combat power is usually used to play the book, which is really a pity.

Nursery rhyme: Since Mengran Jiangshan can bring the Immortal Domain into the alliance, we can also bring other sects with decent strength to join our alliance.

Altman Tiga: But our sect has few female players, and there are no beauty tricks.

Nursery rhyme: We do not have beauty tricks, but we have money.

Everyone: 6666...

(End of this chapter)

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