The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 598 It's time to show your charm

Chapter 598 It's time to show your charm
The number of platforms occupied every week directly reflects the strength of a sect.

If she let Qi Shixia lose the platform today, she would really be laughed out of her teeth.

Thinking about the sects that could be recruited into the alliance, Tong Yao twitched his lips, and then sent a message in the group: Kidney Bao, go, and recruit the Zuiwoyun sect into the group.

Wu Jie, who was leaning on the chair and enjoying the Coke, saw this message, and immediately sprayed the Coke in his mouth.

Sun Yi and Xiao Jian sat on the side to watch the fun.

Wu Jie quickly wiped away the Coke from his mouth and replied to the message: Don't make trouble, Mr. Guest Officer, don't you have a good relationship with Zuiwoyun?Why do you have to ask me to do something about what you said.

Nursery rhyme: Because I sent a message and he didn't come, he insisted on asking you to come forward. It seems that my face is not working.

In fact, the nursery rhyme never sent a message to Du Chuan at all, but as Du Chuan's buddy, when it's time to help, he must help.

Everyone in the sect stepped forward to add fuel to the flames.

Youyun: Shenbao, it's time to show your charm!

The old man washes his hair with Rejoice: That's because he didn't like me, otherwise I would have followed, drunk lying on the cloud is also a big local tyrant.

The nursery rhyme immediately echoed: It is said that drunk lying in the cloud and driving a Ferrari with one hand is very handsome.

Everyone: Ferrari?Fuck?
Ultraman Dijia: Kidney, for the victory of the sect, you made some sacrifices. Think about it, Zuiwoyun is the number one god in the barren profession. How many meat shields can one person hold? If you don't join the group in time, what should you do if the person who dreams of dyeing the country sends a silly little brother to take him away later?
"Pfft." Seeing Altman's words, Tong Yao couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing this, the old man immediately poked his head over to look: "Yaoyao, what are you talking about?"

Originally, the game nicknames were used in the sect group. Seeing those strange names, the old man seemed to have discovered a new world: "What's wrong with the children now? It's strange to choose a name. This child is actually called Kidney Bao? Then Are you not ashamed? And this, I use Rejoice to wash my hair? This monk still uses Rejoice?"

Listening to the old man's complaints, the nursery rhyme couldn't help laughing and said: "Grandpa, you don't understand now, you just like this kind of name now, do you think it's like what names your older generation got, what is called happy life, happy life?" life's."

"Cut, I don't have such a silly name." At this time, the car had already stopped at the door of the house, the old man got out of the car, Nursery Rhyme hurriedly chased after him and asked, "Then what's your game nickname, grandpa?"

The old man walked forward arrogantly, and smiled confidently: "Wu Yanzu."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

"Grandpa, I have something to do upstairs, so call me during dinner." Tong Yao went upstairs and turned on the computer after changing her shoes.

There are still a few hours before the fight, and she must first recruit troops.

There is a red envelope function in the chat channel of Xianmeng Game. This red envelope can not only send spirit stones, but also materials.

She has a backlog of unnecessary things in her warehouse, but she needs those things urgently without the need for some players with a combat power of about 30. She only needs to tell the players to join and kill the world alliance to participate in receiving red envelopes. That's a lot Don't people scramble to come?

Although she wanted to keep these things and sell them for money, at the critical moment, the sect was more important.

Moreover, she will also give individual rewards to each suzerain who joins the alliance, so that more people will be attracted to join the alliance.

and also……

Tong Yao was thinking about the battle plan silently, while on the other side, under the urging of everyone, Wu Jie clicked on Du Chuan's chat box.

It's just that those hands rested on the chat dialog box for a long time without typing a single word.

(End of this chapter)

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