Chapter 599 What a big pit
Sun Yi watched secretly by the side for a long time, and couldn't take it anymore, so he began to complain mercilessly: "Wu Jie, you bastard, can you be a little bit promising, isn't it just a matter of one sentence? Are you so entangled? Isn't this what makes you feel good?" You send yourself out."

Hearing the words, Wu Jie said speechlessly: "Little grandson, you can say sarcastic words, you can do what you want."

"They appointed you to come forward, otherwise labor and management would have contacted them long ago. Mengran Jiangshan and his group are so arrogant. If we have fewer tables than them at night, how many people will laugh at our sect." After playing the game for so long, Sun Yi and the others have put themselves in the game for a long time. They have always dominated the world and monopolized a lot of resources. Now that their status is threatened, I don't know how many people are waiting to see their jokes.

Wu Jie knew what Sun Yi said.

But he has a relationship with Du Chuan now, he always feels that something is weird.

The ranking of factions in the game is determined by the declaration of war. After adjustments, it is now 08:30 every Friday night to grab the table, and the faction ranking match is at [-]:[-]. The factions with lower rankings can only declare war against the higher-ranking factions. When multiple factions declare war on a certain faction at the same time, the faction can choose one of them to fight.

And if the team that declared war defeated the sect with the highest ranking within half an hour, the rankings of the two sects would be reversed.

Wu Jie couldn't remember how long it had been since no sect declared war on the world, but this time, their former alliance sect was about to confront them.

But this time, unfortunately, the number of sectarians online today is not optimistic.

If he loses the platform and loses the sect qualifying match, he will really be laughed at.

After hesitating for a long time, Wu Jie finally sent a message to Du Chuan: Hello, are you there?

Du Chuan: I really don't like your title.

Wu Jie was a little speechless, but he really didn't know how to address Du Chuan.

After thinking for a while, Wu Jie sent another message: Would you like to join our alliance?

Du Chuan: Why?You give me a reason first.

Wu Jie: If you come to our alliance, we can occupy more tables together and get more rewards.

Du Chuan: Do you think I have reached my combat strength, what use are those rewards on the platform to me?

Wu Jie: Then...then you have such a good relationship with the guest official, don't you plan to help her?

Du Chuan: She doesn't need my help with her combat power.


After talking for a long time, Du Chuan had no intention of helping at all, and Wu Jie lost his patience: just tell me, what do you want to do to join our alliance.

Du Chuan: invite me to dinner tomorrow.

It's okay not to mention the dinner, but when it comes to this, Wu Jie's heart is bleeding, the two years' installment repayment is still vivid in his memory, if it happens again, he really can't bear it.

Wu Jie: Unless I eat food stalls, I have no money.

Du Chuan: I don't eat food stalls.

Wu Jie: Then invite me to dinner, so I won’t talk about it.

Du Chuan: Oh, it seems that your attitude is not sincere enough. Just now, the suzerain of Mengran Jiangshan told me that if my sect joins his alliance, I can choose people from their sect, but you don’t even have a meal If you are willing to invite me to eat, forget it, if this is the case, then I'd better join the Mengran Jiangshan alliance.

Seeing this, Wu Jie became anxious: All the people who dream of dyeing the country are crooked, so how can there be people from our sect with good genes? If you come to our sect, we will also choose the singles of our sect as you like.

Seeing someone take the bait, the corner of Du Chuan's mouth twitched: as long as he is single, he can pick anyone?
Wu Jie: It is necessary. In order to express the sincerity of our alliance, I can promise you on behalf of our boss.

Seeing this, Du Chuan silently took a screenshot and saved it.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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