Chapter 601

Before the old man walked to the dining table and sat down, he found that Tong Yao had already sat down quickly and picked up the bowl. He asked with some doubts: "Yao Yao, why are you so strange today? Usually, it takes you several times for grandpa to ask you to eat before you dawdle." Come on, this time I ran so fast."

"I have a life-and-death fight tonight, and there are still many things that have not been arranged. I don't have enough time." After Tong Yao finished speaking, he quickly picked up the rice, and the old man was dumbfounded by the wolfish appearance.

"Fight? What kind of fight? Girls shouldn't fight and kill at every turn." The old man was too sensitive to the word "fight", and his moustache curled up.

Seeing this, Lao Yu immediately explained: "Chairman, don't worry, the miss should be talking about fighting in the game."

After speaking, Lao Yu had already sat down to eat quickly.

The old man looked at the two eating quickly in front of him, and sat down slowly.

Why do you feel that something is wrong...

Afterwards, Tong Yao stopped picking up vegetables and gave Lao Yu a swishing glance: "Uncle Yu, you'd better not be hostile to me, otherwise... I'll kill you every time I see you."

Listening to the threatening words of the nursery rhyme, Lao Yu's forehead was covered with cold sweat: "Miss, we are not the same."

"That's good, grandpa, I'm done eating, I'll go upstairs first." Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Tong Yao trotted upstairs.

The old man shook his head when he heard the words: "Old Yu, look at the kids now, they've become obsessed with playing games, they don't even have time to eat, that..."

The old man who was thinking about it hadn't finished yet, when Lao Yu suddenly interrupted him: "Chairman, I'm going back to my room first, you eat slowly, I'll be back to wash the dishes later."

After finishing speaking, Lao Yu quickly rushed into his room, picked up the earphones and put them on: "What time is it, why are there so few people online? Hurry up to the WeChat group to @ a few more times, or There is..."

At the dinner table, the old man finished his meal in silence, and muttered in a low voice: "What game is so fun, I will ask him to give me another one when Yijin comes back."

In order not to miss Zhuang Xinyu and Yun Zilei's challenge letter, Tong Yao also specifically released them from the blacklist.

At 07:30 in the evening, Tong Yao was deploying the combat power of each stage for everyone, and Yun Zilei sent a message: Tong Yao, I want to talk to you.

The nursery rhyme was already using the sectarian voice, so she said to everyone: "Wait, everyone, the person who dreams of dyeing the world has come to me, I will chat with him first, and contact him if he is not online, there is really no way to get online. Gao Zhanhao asked for the password, and we will log in to Gao Zhanhao first."

After finishing speaking, Tong Yao turned off the voice and sent a message to Yun Zilei: Say.

Yun Zilei: You should be very clear that with the strength of your alliance now, you can't hold on to the previous platform, and Xiao Yijin is not here yet.

Seeing this information, Tong Yao frowned slightly. Could it be that there were spies in the sect, otherwise how would Yun Zilei know that Xiao Yijin was not online.

Fortunately, the fact that she contacted those sects to join the alliance during the day was not announced in the sect, otherwise the matter would be a big deal.

Nursery rhyme: You underestimate us too much, and you don’t even look at how many masters in this server are in our hands. Although you have a lot of people, we can beat nine.

Yun Zilei: One hit nine?Where do you get your confidence from?Immortal Realm is the second largest sect on our service, which is already very strong. We have lobbied many sects to join our alliance. Now the number of sects in our alliance has exceeded [-], while you only have more than ten sects That's all, even if we use the crowd tactics, we are sure to win, so give up struggling quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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