Chapter 602 Why Are You So Shameless

Nursery rhyme: There is no word "giving up" in my dictionary.

Yun Zilei was about to speak when a system message popped up.

System prompt: The sect Zuiwoyun has joined the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance!
All of a sudden, the people in Mengran Jiangshan were insane with joy, Yun Zilei didn't realize that it was a conspiracy, after all they had been wooing Zuiwo Yun for a long time, and this morning they even proposed that as long as Zuiwo Yun joins the alliance, the beauties can be chosen by him.

I thought there was no hope, but who would have thought that Zuiwoyun would join the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance at this last moment.

Tonight, when Qi Shitian fell down from the altar, this sect that has dominated for several years is about to be crushed by the Mengran Jiangshan alliance tonight, and will soon become the laughing stock of everyone.

Thinking of this, Yun Zilei became more and more complacent, and sent a voice transmission backhand: Welcome Zuiwoyun to join the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance.

Seeing this information, Wu Jie immediately exploded.

Unable to wait for a second, he sent a message to Du Chuan directly: Du Chuan is playing with me?The flowers that labor and management are waiting for you here are all gone, and you actually went to hostility!

Seeing this message, the curvature of the corner of Du Chuan's mouth enlarged infinitely: Wait until the flowers are gone?Miss me then?

Wu Jie was stunned for a moment, only then did he realize what he had just posted.

To be honest, these words have no other meaning in normal times, but the relationship between him and Du Chuan is a bit delicate, so when Du Chuan reminded him, Wu Jie felt a little embarrassed.

Wu Jie: Didn't you agree to join our alliance?Why went hostile!You explain to me!
Du Chuan could imagine Wu Jie blowing his hair through the screen, he smiled and replied: Well...time will tell.

Wu Jie: I'll fuck you!
Du Chuan: Oh.

Wu Jie: ...

In order to welcome the Zuiwo Yun sect to join the alliance, Yun Zilei even distributed red envelopes on the alliance channel, but his red envelopes were relatively stingy, and they were all worthless things.

Some sects joined the Mengran Jiangshan alliance to quit medicine. Seeing that Yun Zilei is so stingy, these suzerains strengthened their determination to seek refuge and kill the world. After all, when Tong Yao came to discuss the alliance with them, it was settled He directly presented a gold outfit as an upgrade material. In comparison, this Mengran Jiangshan is simply too stingy.

I also said in the world that a huge red envelope was added to the alliance, but they have been here for so long, and the red envelopes they received did not add up to [-] spirit stones... But the guest officials can’t do that. They just gave out rare materials casually, really There is no harm without comparison.

Yun Zilei looked at the list of alliance sects, and felt that he had the chance to win, so he sent another message to Tong Yao: Since you are so confident, do you dare to make a bet with me?

After receiving the message, Nursery Rhyme smiled. After waiting for so long, isn't this what he was waiting for?
But in order to appear less deliberate, Nursery Rhyme replied: Why should I bet with you?I am very busy.

Yun Zilei: I don't think you dare, do you?
Tong Yao simply didn't bother to talk to him about the childish aggressive method, but for the sake of the next bet, Tong Yao still had to cooperate, so he said: Why not dare?Do you really think I'm afraid of you?
Yun Zilei: If you lose, you will disband and join us in Mengran Jiangshan. From now on, there will be no sect in Xianmeng Game. If we lose, then we will disband and join you in Mengran Jiangshan .

Seeing this message, Tong Yao immediately laughed: Why are you so shameless?You lose and disband and join our sect?Have we agreed?We don't accept you rookies, you guys can go wherever you want after disbanding, don't come to disgust us, and I think your bet is too light, I'm too lazy to bet with you.

(End of this chapter)

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