The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 604 Life ups and downs, so exciting

Chapter 604 Life ups and downs, so exciting

Yun Zilei, who was planning to celebrate his success just a second ago, was stunned. He collapsed in front of the computer when he saw the system prompt that never stopped.

On the other side, when Wu Jie and the others were thinking about it, they were stunned by a group of system messages.

System prompt: The sect Zuiwoyun has joined and killed the world alliance!
System prompt: The sect Zaishui has joined the Alliance of Killing the World!
System prompt: The faction Jinghong Youxue has joined and killed the world alliance!

In just one minute, 1 sects joined the Alliance of Killing the World, and the time jumped to eight o'clock.

No longer can sects withdraw, nor can sects join alliances.

As early as an hour, the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance had declared war and the World Killing Alliance. Now the declaration of war cannot be cancelled, and Yun Zilei has also made the bet public. Everyone is the witness of this bet. If there is no chance of winning, you must fight.

And the interior of Shi Tianxia boiled directly.

Wu Jie: Damn guest official boss 666!What the hell, this move is so cool!

Sun Yi: I knew there would be a reversal, but this reversal came a bit late and scared me to death.

Altman Tiga: Life is full of ups and downs, it's so exciting!
You Yun: The guest official boss is simply my idol, how did you convince these sects to cooperate with you.

Xiaojian: Needless to say, it’s all about the power of money.

I use Rejoice to wash my hair: It's so damn perfect, I look forward to the deletion of the Lich King's account, and the disbandment of Mengran Jiangshan!

Nursery Rhyme: Calm down, it’s just a routine operation, fight hard, we have so many people now, there are only a few sects left in the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance, except for Mengran Jiangshan and Xianyu, the others are basically negligible, so starting at 08:30, the How do you know?

Everyone was as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood: I understand!

After finishing all this, Tong Yao went directly to the alliance channel, and with a big wave of his hand, ten high-level equipment enhancement stones and precious material big red packets were sent out, and the people who had just joined the alliance rushed to grab them.

Nursery rhymes typed calmly: This is just an appetizer, for the rest, continue after grabbing the tables, the more tables you grab, the more red envelopes, everyone cheers.

Seeing this, Du Chuan immediately came out to take the rhythm: Thank you boss.

Everyone started to line up, thank you boss.

Nursery rhyme: The only alliance that declares war on our alliance is Mengran Jiangshan, so our task tonight is to snatch all the platforms of the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance. Our sect is responsible for the platforms of Shahai and Cuizhuxuan, and the rest of the local sects The boss assigns it by himself, and 10 minutes before the start of the battle, all the leaders will go to YY, the room number...

For a long time, this server has not fought like this, and many people even almost forgot the excitement of voice fighting, but now listening to the nursery rhyme, the bloody feeling of fighting back then suddenly returned.

The blood here is boiling, but Yun Zilei really wants to die.

There was another person who collapsed even more, and that was Zhuang Xinyu who was dragged into the water for no reason and was about to be dismantled and deleted.

Zhuang Xinyu was completely dumbfounded, because Yun Zilei didn't tell her when he told Tong Yao that he wanted to bet on dismantling the equipment. At first, he thought it would be fine if he agreed, but now he just saw it and it was over.

It is impossible for people like them to win the fight and kill the world, and she still doesn't understand how the nursery rhyme persuaded all the sects to suddenly join the alliance of killing the world.

(End of this chapter)

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