Chapter 605 The Real Crushing

The people in Xianyu began to regret it. They used to form an alliance with Jishitianxia, ​​and each was safe. Although they occupied no more platforms than Jishitianxia, ​​they were also the second most in this server. Can't keep it.

And in the future, their sects will have no way to return to the alliance of Qi Shi Tianxia, ​​and within a few minutes, Qi Shi Tianxia has set the Immortal Realm as a hostile sect.

That is to say, from now on, the peaceful days will be gone forever.

Many people are talking about Yun Zilei privately, but Yun Zilei doesn't want to talk now.

Yun Zilei really never expected that the game that had been laid out for so long would come to this result.

He placed eyeliner in Qi Shi Tian Xia, thinking that everything was under his control, that's why he dared to bet with Tong Yao. Who would have thought that the situation would change in a second, and he would be caught off guard.

The main flow of Yun, the sect of Xianyu, was still calm, so he sent a message to Yun Zilei, saying: Let’s not talk about other issues, if we concentrate on defending one platform, we should be able to hold it, if we really can’t hold a platform, then It really became the biggest joke since Xianmeng's server opened.

Yun Zilei: I'm about to dismantle my equipment and delete my account, so it's none of my business to keep a few desks.

Liu Yun looked at Yun Zilei's words, and immediately became angry: You and I had repeatedly promised that I would win this fight before joining your alliance, and now you actually say such a thing?
Yun Zilei: I fucking brought you into the gang just to deal with Xiao Yijin. I can't even care about it myself. What does it matter to me whether you live or die?
At this time, Liu Yun finally saw Yun Zilei's true face, but it was too late.

He knows that Yun Zilei won't care about the fight tonight, so now he gathers the power of Immortal Territory, and he has to defend a stand, no matter how they are, they are the second largest in this server, if they don't grab a stand , that really makes people laugh out loud.

Zhuang Xinyu was terrified of Yun Zilei, and didn't dare to talk to him, so he had to follow Liu Yun's advice, and all the men from Mengran Jiangshan went to guard the platform together.

Thinking that Xiao Yijin was not around, they might still have a chance.

Starting at 08:30, the players entered the battlefield. It seems that no one has seen such a spectacular scene for a long time. Each scene has a limit on the number of people. When the number reaches the upper limit, they can only enter another battlefield.

When Sun Yi and the others entered the platform of Cuizhuxuan, they were full of people as far as they could see. Wu Jie was amused: "We can trample to death the people who dream of dyeing the country, right?"

Everyone chuckled and agreed, found their own battlefield, and started fighting.

People from Mengran Jiangshan and Xianyu were stationed in the south of the Yangtze River. For the first few minutes, everything was calm and no one came.

But such silence made them feel even more uneasy.

Five minutes later, Zhuang Xinyu was standing above the table, ready to add blood at any time, but in an instant, her screen turned into a black and white TV.

In the next second, Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao led the Gao Zhan of the two regiments who killed the world directly towards them.

Everyone was dumbfounded, didn't they say that Xiao Yijin would not come tonight?

He... how did he come.

Xiao Yijin threw a big move towards the crowd, and the crispy skin immediately lay down, and even Liuyun only had one-third of the blood left...

Killing, unilateral killing, they have no room to fight back.

The flag on the platform changed hands every minute, and it turned into a red flag with the word "killing" written on it. After a long time, Xiao Yijin typed on a nearby channel: "Dream dyed Jiangshan, it can disappear."

With just a few words, the hearts of everyone in Mengran Jiangshan are as cold as winter...

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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