Chapter 606 Let them fend for themselves

The people who dreamed of the world didn't think that Xiao Yijin really intended to let them cash in that bet. To be honest, they were innocent too. They didn't make the bet, and they were just forced to participate in it.

Although Mengran Jiangshan is not a super big sect, there are still many old players there, and they don't want the sect to disband at all.

"Lord Acacia, give us a way out, it's the Lich King's bet with you, it has nothing to do with us."

"That's right, why do you have to do it so badly? If one day Shi Tianxia wants to disband, you will be sad, right? Please let us go, you can go to the Lich King to settle the score."

"That's right, and our Immortal Territory was dragged into the water by the Lich King. Now that there is no chance of winning, the Lich King doesn't plan to control our life or death. For the sake of our alliance before, you lovesickness Give us another chance."

"It's miserable enough that we are in this state now, God Acacia, please let us go."


After being abused a few times, the people in Mengran Jiangshan and Xianyu directly closed themselves off. They thought they would be able to fight back if they all gathered together, but they were wrong...

Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao stand together, one is high explosive, the other is high healing, standing there is invincible.

So everyone simply gave up their resistance and directly typed on the nearby channel to beg for mercy.

Seeing this, Wu Jie and the others immediately became happy.

Kidney Treasure, the taste is delicious: "You people who dream of dyeing the world are really interesting. When the Lich King made a bet with us, didn't you also follow suit in the world, clamoring to see us and killing the world and getting your face swollen?" ? Why are you pretending to be a victim at this time?"

The old man washes his hair with Rejoice: "The people in Xianyu are even more wonderful. You voluntarily joined the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance. Now you feel pitiful. Remember that you were in an alliance with our sect back then. Then you went to be hostile. Why didn’t you think about the situation where our sect was being targeted?”

Superman can't fly: "Don't talk nonsense with them, kill first and talk later, the bet was made by the Lich King, and it was sent by voice transmission in the whole server, so many players in the server are watching, many people in our sect also took screenshots, If you insist on not fulfilling the bet, then we can't do anything about it, but the title of the Lich King and I Tenderness will be deleted."


Yun Zilei has already downloaded the game, so he doesn't know what is happening now.

He had a fluke mentality in his heart, if he wasn't online, Xiao Yijin wouldn't be able to contact him, and if he didn't dismantle his equipment or delete his account, Xiao Yijin and the others couldn't do anything to him.

But Yun Zilei expected one thing, that is, Xiao Yijin was originally the boss of Xianmeng Game Technology Department, and he was also a top hacker, so it would be very simple to help Yun Zilei delete his account by the way.

With everyone's efforts, no one in the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance could touch the chess piece until the last moment.

After grabbing the platform, Nursery Rhyme distributed a lot of red envelopes on the alliance channel, and those sects who originally wanted to reap the benefits once, now tasted the sweetness, and were even more unwilling to leave.

The nursery rhyme's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and the heroic reputation of Ke Guan Bu Ke quickly spread throughout the server.

Even though he won the bet, Tong Yao didn't force Mengran Jiangshan to fulfill the bet, but let them fend for themselves.

At the moment the game ended, Xianyu directly withdrew from the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance, and even many people in the original Mengran Jiangshan quit the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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