Chapter 607 Missing Him a Little

Although the denomination did not dissolve, it was no different from dissolution, becoming fragmented.

As for why those people quit Meng Ran Jiangshan, it is very realistic, because Qi Shi Tianxia has set Meng Ran Jiang Shan as the No. [-] hostile sect, as long as people from their sect go to the wild area, they will be chased and killed by Qi Shi Tian Xia's people. If it’s not good, it costs a lot of money to repair equipment every day.

And some glass-hearted people began to be hypocritical, saying that the people who murdered the world are too ruthless.

In this regard, Nursery Rhyme just wants to say, is hostility meant for fighting?
Playing a game, without fighting, it will soon become a dead server, so boring.

Besides, they were kind enough not to force Mengran Jiangshan to disband, okay?
Zhuang Xinyu lives with her tail between her legs every day, worrying about when nursery rhymes tell her to delete her account...

Time flies, and soon it will be the tenth anniversary of Tongyao's participation in Maoya live broadcast.

It used to be calm before, but since the official announcement of her participation in the grand ceremony, the Weibo has become a little restless, and there are always some people who like to bring the rhythm.

It's just that nursery rhymes have never had any interest in such things. If Xiao Yijin hadn't arranged for her in advance, she even planned to go there that night casually. She didn't have the heart to compete with those female anchors. .

"Fairy, I actually posted you when I was looking for highlights today. Although the article is not very friendly to you, it has exposure anyway. Are you going to be popular? But is this editor eating shit? I am really mad at you for belittling you so badly." Jiang Ya came in from the outside with a lollipop in her mouth, looking very excited.

Nursery rhyme yawned and leaned back on the chair, and said lazily: "Do you still believe the news on your mobile phone? Those stupid editors can make up a thousand or eight hundred kinds of content for you. A few days ago, I chased after my boyfriend. God’s TV series, this show is only halfway through, and I guess I’ve already seen dozens of endings, so don’t watch that kind of boring stuff.”

"I know this, but do you have any plans to hire me as an agent? I am very reliable, and I can be regarded as the super caring kind?" Thinking about the possibility of becoming a star in the future Manager, Jiang Ya narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Because I became a celebrity agent, I might meet many big-name celebrities in the workplace. I was very excited when I thought about it, it was perfect.

Taking a sideways glance at Jiang Ya who was having fun, Tong Yao rolled her eyes speechlessly: "Xiaoya, I don't plan to find any manager. I agreed to participate in the grand ceremony this time because I didn't want to pay liquidated damages."

Speaking of this, Jiang Ya was a little speechless again, her fairy is really a stingy rich woman...

Before going to bed, Niu Niu sent another message to confirm the process of the grand ceremony with Tong Yao. Tong Yao yawned and fell asleep slowly.

When Nursery Rhyme woke up the next day, the sun was shining brightly.

Just after lunch, Tong Yao received a call from Xiao Yijin. Before she could speak, Xiao Yijin said, "Yaoyao, I will ask Lao Yu to pick you up in the afternoon and send you there to try on dresses and make-up. I will try my best to hurry up." come over."

"Well, when will you be there?" Xiao Yijin was always so busy these days, it seemed that they hadn't seen each other for a few days.

Usually, I think this guy is very noisy.

But in the days when he was not around, I always felt that something was missing in my life, empty.

(End of this chapter)

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