Chapter 609 Must Amaze the Audience
The man nodded: "Yes, yes."

At this time on the red carpet scene, Maoya's popular anchor Cherry Britney happened to be walking, and Cherry Britney was walking the red carpet for the first time. Although the appearance is not very different from that of the live broadcast, but the figure is a bit Terrible.

Just no waist or elephant legs...

But the finely edited pictures posted on Weibo usually have a perfect figure.

Fans felt cheated because the figure was just a little too much.

Host: "The anchor of our talent zone, Cherry Britney, is walking towards us now. Britney is also enthusiastically sought after by fans for her beautiful singing. I want to ask Cherry Britney to come to our grand ceremony today. Is there anything you want to say to the fans who support you?"

Cherry Sweets knew that she was not in good shape, so she felt a little guilty, so she smiled and said, "Don't give up on me, everyone, I will take good care of my body when I go back, I love you all."

At first, some fans felt uncomfortable. After all, they came all the way to support their goddess, but the goddess suddenly turned into a fat round, but now listening to Cherry Britney teasing herself like that, I can't help but feel a little cute.

Host: "Okay, let's ask Cherry Spears to leave your signature here."

Supporter: "Now walking towards us is the dancing queen of our Maoya live broadcast, our little jellybean!"


"The figure is really good!"

"Little Ruanhard!"


Gummy's popularity is still relatively high. Although her face is a little different from the live broadcast, she has a really good figure. She waved gracefully at many fans. Compared with the sparse applause from Cherry Britney just now, The popularity of small gummies is not bad.

It was already 07:30 when Nursery Rhyme arrived at the red carpet scene, and she gently pulled the skirt with her hands and got out of the car.

Suddenly bursts of screams erupted from the crowd: "Ah! Mr. Guest Officer!"

This toughness startled Nursery Rhyme herself, forgive her for not seeing such a scene...

"Guest officer, look here! Look here!"

"Who said that the red carpet is all a magic mirror? The guest officer is so beautiful!"

"Where is the person who said that our guest officer was cheating, stand up for me!"

"This is the first female anchor of Xianmeng Game? What the hell? The real person is much prettier than the photo."

"Crying in the storm, my god, it's so good-looking, you can't choose your figure or appearance!"


Everyone's eyes were attracted by the nursery rhyme, and Little Gummy's smile froze in embarrassment.

Taking a deep breath, Tong Yao greeted the fans with a smile, and gracefully walked towards the host...

Little Gummy and Cherry Britney, who had already walked some distance away, lost their smiles and turned to look in the direction of the nursery rhyme. Both of them had ugly expressions.

Hearing the loud shouts from the red carpet, some anchors who had already walked in ran over to watch: "Who is here? It's so lively?"

After hearing the words, Little Gummy said angrily, "Who else could it be? The jewel in the palm of Feng's Liquor Industry."

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking.

Yuanzi in the outdoor live broadcast area sneered and said, "I'm a little confused. Her family is so rich, why does she still want to be an anchor? She insists on grabbing our jobs."

"She said she is the heir of Feng's Liquor Industry, that's what she said. Who knows if it's true or not?" After saying this, Little Gummy turned around and walked inside. The cheers behind her grew louder. Enthusiastic, it sounds particularly dazzling.


(End of this chapter)

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