Chapter 610
These people can only make sarcastic remarks. They have never understood nursery rhymes at all. They don't know that when nursery rhymes first became famous, she hadn't met the old man. At that time, she was just a high school student...

At that time, Yang Ying always beat her, and every time Yang Ying finished beating her, Tong Shuo would give her a sum of money, perhaps out of guilt towards Feng Ran, so she wanted to make it up to her.

But the next time Yang Ying hit her, he didn't stop him, he just gave her tens of thousands of 10,000+ money, and she poured all the money Tong Shuo gave her into the game, and became the number one in Xianmeng game Toxic milk.

In addition, she is quite sandy when she is live broadcasting. She often writes dungeon strategies for everyone, brings fans to download books, and gives out red envelopes during the holidays, so her popularity has always been relatively high.

It's just that last year, because the identity of the men's clothing boss was exposed, it suddenly exploded.

To put it bluntly, I have to thank Zhuang Xinyu for this matter.

Otherwise, she really wouldn't have such an opportunity to tell fans her true identity. Unexpectedly, although her girl said her identity was exposed, the presence of a large number of male fans quickly made her popularity soar to No. [-].

Later, she just let herself go, interacting with fans, pampering fans, and her singing voice became a magical tool for attracting fans...

Many people don't know why nursery rhymes became famous, but they have been famous for so many years, but they are not as popular as nursery rhymes, so naturally they feel a little uncomfortable.

With so many fans at the scene, Tong Yao herself was a little surprised. She told the fans not to come all the way to support, but those guys would cover their mouths and giggle.

After signing the nursery rhyme and walking in, a lady of etiquette led her to her seat, which was the second row.

Tong Yao said thank you softly, and then sat down gracefully.

People around whispered when they saw the nursery rhyme, and even many people didn't know the nursery rhyme at all, they just marveled at her beauty.

The update of the anchor industry is very fast, so some people are not surprised.

The grand ceremony was boring and dull. Nursery Yao sat on the seat and dozed off. Little Gummy sitting next to her observed Nursery Yao for a long time before asking softly, "I heard that you and Young Master Xiao from Xianmeng Game Company are in a relationship, right?"

Tong Yao glanced sideways at the woman next to her, nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

"Then do you know Xiao Yan?" Little Gummy asked again.

Hearing her mention of Xiao Yan, Jiang Yuan couldn't help appearing in Tong Yao's mind, so she casually said, "Xiao Yan already has a girlfriend."

"Ah? Are you talking about that little singer? There was a scandal between them. I met Xiao Yan at a reception, and I asked him personally at that time, and he said he was single." Little Gummy said this Then he asked again: "Are you and Xiao Ershao planning to have fun? That kind of man, his family will definitely not agree with him being an anchor. Moreover, Xianmeng Game Company is also invited for this grand ceremony. If he I really care about you, how could I not walk the red carpet with you?"

Tong Yao really didn't expect this woman's EQ to be so low, she didn't want to talk to her, so she turned around and looked at the stage.

But Little Gummy didn't give up, and continued to say to the nursery rhyme: "You said you are the heir of Feng's Liquor? Do you have any evidence? Do you know that if you pretend to be a rich second generation and get exposed, you will lose your fans. "

"That's my business, don't worry about it." After saying this, he stopped talking to Little Gummy.

As for the next reception, she didn't plan to attend either.

(End of this chapter)

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