The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 611 I will do the slap in the face

Chapter 611 I will do the slap in the face
She really didn't understand. A person with such a low EQ like Little Gummy, isn't afraid of offending others?
Seeing that Tong Yao stopped talking, Little Gummy thought that Tong Yao was guilty, so she sent a message in the anchor group: "We, the guest official boss, seem to have a problem. I just asked her a few questions, but she hesitated." I can't tell."

Yuanzi: "I don't know you well, why do I have to tell you so clearly, don't make trouble, if her identity is true, then Feng's Liquor is not something we can afford."

Yao Meier: "Isn't there going to be a reception later? We can test her out in a friendly way."

Brother Qiang is invincible: "And her boyfriend is Young Master Xiao from Xianmeng Game. He is a scary guy in the first place. Let's not make trouble."

Cherry Britney: "Second Young Master Xiao is considered a celebrity in our country. He is often photographed, but the paparazzi have never taken photos of the two of them shopping or going out. No matter how careful you are, this is too abnormal. This It was strange that a woman suddenly became popular at the end of last year."


Those anchors were chatting vigorously in the group, but what they didn't expect was that it wasn't that the paparazzi couldn't catch them, but...these two were either playing games together at school, or they were playing games at the old man's house. nonexistent.

My hobby is playing games...

Therefore, only ghosts can be photographed.

Nursery rhyme had no idea that he was being missed, and was still dozing off gracefully.

Finally, when the grand ceremony was over, she stood up and walked directly towards the exit.

Before Nai He reached the door, someone took her arm affectionately. She turned her head and saw that it was a little fudge...

Nursery rhyme was a little speechless, so she tried to pull her arm out: "What are you doing?"

"Isn't the reception going in that direction? You're going in the wrong direction." Little Gummy said this, and took the nursery rhyme to the other side involuntarily.

"I'm not going to the reception, I'm going home." There was a hint of impatience in Tong Yao's eyes. She didn't have a good impression of this woman, and they didn't have a good relationship. This woman pretended to be intimate, which was really disgusting.

"Don't be in a hurry to leave, you are also a big celebrity in our Maoya live broadcast, don't you want to get to know friends from our big family? Everyone is looking forward to you very much. Wouldn't it be too disappointing for you to leave like that? It's gone." Just as Little Gummy had finished speaking, Cherry Sweetie came over and took Nursery Rhyme's other arm when she saw this, and said with a smile, "Let's go."

Their behavior was too abnormal, Tong Yao naturally sensed that it was tricky, and said in a low voice: "Okay, it's okay to go to the reception, but I have to tell my grandfather first, so that the old man won't worry."

After finishing speaking, Tong Yao pulled out one hand, took out her mobile phone and called the old man, and finally got through the phone, but the other end of the phone was very noisy.

The wind sounded loud.

Nursery rhyme: "Grandpa, I'm going to a reception and I'm going to be home late."

The old man: "What are you talking about? The wind is so strong, I can't hear you!"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Can her grandfather be more reliable?

Putting the phone back in the handbag, Tong Yao sent Xiao Yijin a WeChat message: "If you arrive, come to the reception and find me. They are kindly inviting me, and I can't shirk it."

Xiao Yijin: "Miss, go lay the groundwork first, and leave the hard work of slapping the face to me."

Seeing this, Tong Yao's eyes sank slightly, this guy is very enlightened.

Afterwards, Tong Yao glanced at the two people beside her, smiled and walked towards the reception with them.

Since they were so enthusiastic, how could she be ashamed not to accompany them to the end?
 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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