Chapter 626 A Surprise for You

Originally, nursery rhyme is the kind of straightforward person, and she doesn't want to guess what's there or not, so guessing here may still make her feel uncomfortable.

If you want to know the truth, just ask if you are not?
After thinking for a while, Tong Yao took out her mobile phone and sent Xiao Yijin a WeChat message: I heard you are going abroad?
Xiao Yijin: Well, yes, I plan to give you a surprise, how did you know?

Surprise her?
Is this... a surprise?
Nursery Rhyme: How long are you going?When are you coming back?
Xiao Yijin: Soon, I will take you there with me. When you get there, you will like it too.

Nursery rhyme: I have to go to class, I don't have time to go with you.

Xiao Yijin: The few days of the May Day holiday are enough. I made an appointment in advance for your May Day holiday. I hope the lady will appreciate it.

How many days are there for the May Day holiday?
going abroad?

Hearing Xiao Yijin's tone, he didn't want to be an exchange student at all, and the surprise he said he wanted to give her... what was it?
Thinking about it, Nursery Rhyme actually began to look forward to the holiday.

Xiao Yijin became very idle, and often wandered around the campus with her. Even if the two of them watched the scenery in the game, they could still see it very late.

On this day, Xiao Yijin took her to have dinner with Zhuang Yi and the others.

I've seen it a few times, and I'm a little familiar with it, and everyone gets along more harmoniously. Maybe it's because we haven't seen each other for a long time. We chatted and drank, and accidentally drank too much.

Xiao Yijin was still awake, but he was already showing some face. He leaned on the chair and watched Tong Yao eating slowly, the tenderness in his eyes was impossible to ignore.

Staring at Nursery Rhyme almost can't eat anything.

After a long time, Xiao Yijin got up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, you guys be more honest, don't let my wife drink."

After speaking, Xiao Yijin left.

Ah Zui and the others already knew that Tong Yao doesn't drink alcohol now, so they naturally wouldn't force her to drink.

Taking advantage of Xiao Yijin's absence, the three of them began to reveal Xiao Yijin's previous embarrassing things.

Zhuang Yi: "Sister-in-law, the three of us used to be three good students. The bad habit of fighting, drinking, skipping class and surfing the Internet was all taught by Yijin."

Listening to the nursery rhyme, she said lightly, "Didn't he teach you how to pick up girls?"

Upon hearing this, Ah Zui immediately became happy, but he had already drank a lot of wine, so he became a little slurred: "At that time, it was girls who wanted to pick him up, and when he saw a girl It's like wanting to beat someone up..."

Zhuang Yi: "Even Zhuang Xinyu has known Yijin for so many years, but Yijin has never looked at her in the eye. If it weren't for my face, I think Zhuang Xinyu probably wouldn't know that he was beating her up." How many pauses..."

"Hic." Ah Zui hiccupped and continued, "But your sister should be taken care of. If it weren't for her being your sister, I would want to hit her..."

The nursery rhyme didn't know what happened, these people suddenly started complaining about Zhuang Xinyu...

She was on the side, listening silently, not speaking.

I don't know how long it took before someone pushed open the door of the private room and walked in. The location of the nursery rhyme happened to be facing the door. When I looked up, I saw an unexpected figure...

At this time, Zhuang Yi, who had drunk too much, opened the painting box, and couldn't hold it anymore, and said in a rambling manner: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I've been looking for an opportunity to apologize to you for what happened last time, Although it was Zhuang Xinyu who did something wrong, but I am her brother, in fact I did not control her well and let her learn badly, I am actually a little bit responsible..."

(End of this chapter)

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