Chapter 627 The Dusty Secret

"Brother, give me the key." It wasn't until Zhuang Xinyu's voice came from behind that Zhuang Yi remembered that there was no one at home today, Zhuang Xinyu didn't bring the key, he asked her to come here to get the key...

"You don't want to go out, right? Remember to open the door for me." Zhuang Yi didn't know how much Zhuang Xinyu had heard, so he took out the key and put it in Zhuang Xinyu's hand...

Zhuang Xinyu has a bad temper, and he doesn't have a good relationship with Ah Zui and the others, and he doesn't intend to say hello to them, so he is about to leave with the key.

Walking to the door, Zhuang Xinyu suddenly turned around and said, "Brother, you don't have to apologize to her for me, I have never done anything wrong? I knew Xiao Yijin first, and you all know what happened in the hotel before, if it wasn't for the later The nursery rhyme appeared, and now Qin Yiyi may be with Xiao Yijin, what about the nursery rhyme? Besides, I have nothing now, and I was even forced to transfer to another school. It was all caused by the woman in front of you. I am the victim, so why should I apologize? !"

Zhuang Xinyu said so much, the nursery rhyme only remembered that sentence, what happened in the hotel before...

Ah Zui didn't like Zhuang Xinyu very much, and after hearing her words, he was even more speechless: "Can you show some face? Don't think I won't scold you when Zhuang Yi is here, that woman Qin Yiyi is We all know what. Yijin has never liked her, let alone what happened with him. Besides, didn't you do what you are doing now? If you didn't do those things to frame others How could I become such a ghost?"

In the memory of nursery rhymes, Ah Zui said very little.

He is always playing on his mobile phone and is very quiet.

But at this moment, he actually said so many words, which is enough to prove how much he hates Zhuang Xinyu.

Hearing Ah Zui's words, Zhuang Xinyu couldn't help but sneered: "Facts are facts, and you can't cover up the things that have happened. You don't want nursery rhymes to know the truth, but those who know the truth don't know you. A few of you! You just look down on me, that’s why you feel that everything I do is wrong, and that what I say is unbelievable! You are blinded by the pretty face of nursery rhymes, so you think that everything she does is wrong. That's right! Sooner or later, I will impress you people, Nursery Rhyme, just wait, I will never let it go."

After saying that, Zhuang Xinyu slammed the door and left.

The atmosphere in the room became a little weird. Zhuang Yi, who had been drowsy from drinking, became more sober after being disturbed by Zhuang Xinyu.

He stretched out his hand and scratched his head, afraid that the nursery rhyme would continue to ask about that matter, so he changed the subject and said, "Well, sister-in-law, do you want to eat something else? You can order it yourself."

Seeing the uncomfortable faces of Zhuang Yi and A Zui, Tong Yao raised her head and asked, "What did Zhuang Xinyu say about what happened in the hotel before?"

In fact, nursery rhymes can be vaguely guessed, and she has thought about this before, but she has never believed it.

But seeing Zhuang Yi's expressions now, combined with what Qin Yiyi and Yun Zilei said before, she felt more and more that perhaps what Zhuang Xinyu said was not completely a lie...

So, what happened that day?
It can make Zhuang Yi and the others change their expressions.

They tried their best to drive away Zhuang Xinyu, just to prevent Zhuang Xinyu from continuing to speak. As Zhuang Xinyu said, Ah Zui and the others probably wanted to cover up something, so they were so abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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