Chapter 632 The Beginning of the War Era

Nursery rhyme burst out laughing, he understood why Du Chuan had to change his name, avatar, and gender before joining the group...

He and Wu Jie had added friends before, but both sides deleted their friends later. In order not to be recognized by Wu Jie, Du Chuan specially changed his own information, even his signature that he had used for more than ten years.

That's enough.

The old man washes his hair with Rejoice: Kidney, stop making trouble, you still dare to find a rich woman to take care of you, you are not afraid of lying drunk on the clouds and chasing other rich women to the ends of the earth?

Wu Jie: What do you know?Finding a rich woman is my lifelong pursuit, and I really want to save 20 years of struggle.

After posting this message, Wu Jie started to die again @杜川: Boss, do you need a bed warmer?I have every pose you want!

The nursery rhyme made her stomach hurt from laughing directly, although these were just routine operations for Wu Jie, but with a different partner, everything was different.

She really wanted to know how Du Chuan would react if he saw Wu Jie making such a fuss in private?
Wu Jie acted like a monster in the group for a long time, but Du Chuan ignored him, he felt bored and stopped talking.

The old man washes his hair with Rejoice: Shenbao, you scared the boss away, right?Can you be more reserved every day?

Du Chuan, who silently watched Wu Jie acting as a monster in the group, finally moved his finger at this moment, and changed his group nickname to Zuiwoyun.

Then @了吴杰: It’s OK to take care of you.

Crowd:! ! !
Wu Jie thought to himself: What the hell?
The collapsed Wu Jie directly sent a message to Nursery Yao in the game: "Brother Keguan, why are you so fat? Du Chuan is not from our sect, why did you drag him into the group of our sect!"

Tong Yao smiled and responded to the message: "He threatened me that if he didn't get him into the group, he would go to school to retaliate against you, so I'm also thinking about your personal safety."

"Hehe, I won't see you in a while, lady, you are good at talking nonsense." Seeing how lively the group was, Xiao Yijin knew that nursery rhymes must be having fun here, so she came over to have a look, and she was really here facing the computer Smiling happily.

"You don't understand. In the past, Du Chuan and Wu Jie worried a lot about our affairs. Now, I can't just stand by and watch their situation." Gossip plus curiosity.

Xiao Yijin nodded lightly when she heard the words: "You are right, but the situation of Du Chuan and Wu Xiaojie is a bit special, so you are not afraid of being a disservice?"

"No, with Du Chuan's scheming and the city's government, Wu Xiaojie can't escape, and it will be a matter of time before she gets caught. On the contrary, it's you, the company's work is over? Are you sure we won't delay work when we go abroad?" Tong Yao turned to ask road.

Looking at Tong Yao's clear eyes, Xiao lay down on her bed naturally, then closed his eyes and said: "That guy Xiao Yan has been idle for too long, it's time to let him be busy for a while, go abroad I have told him about it, and I have arranged the itinerary, and my task during this time is to accompany you."

"Oh, I see two more servers will be merged next Tuesday, do you think we will combine servers one day?" Tong Yao said while refining the medicine.

"If one day other servers merge with our server, it means that the age of war is about to begin." Speaking of the age of war, Xiao Yijin remembered the first year of the Xianmeng public beta. At that time, there were fights all the time. Bloody two years.

(End of this chapter)

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