Chapter 633 The Rival of Love is Coming
Later, when the supremacy was consolidated, there were fewer fights, and any fights were small fights.

But in fact, for a large-scale online game, it will last forever if there is a war.

Nursery rhyme is also an ashes-level player who started playing from the closed beta. At that time, war criminals were all over the place. As long as they became popular at any time except in the safe zone, they would be killed. Many rich bosses spent a lot of money to fight for resources in order to grab the table. The time is also the time when nursery rhyme live broadcasts are on the rise. If it weren't for this game, she wouldn't know how to spend those dark years in high school.

"Yaoyao, I'm curious. No one has been able to steal my acacia fruit for several years. Why did you pick it for me at once." To be honest, this is something Xiao Yijin can't understand.

Speaking of this, Nursery Rhyme himself was also depressed: "I just touched it, but who knew that your fruit would fall right away."

"Then, maybe this is fate. If there was no such fruit, we wouldn't be entangled together. Now it seems that we should thank the lovesickness fruit." Thinking of all the things in the past, Xiao Yijin felt that fate was really a thing. Wonderful.

Tong Yao turned off the computer, opened the quilt and lay down on the bed, then asked, "Then why do you call Yiinch Acacia? Who are you in love with?"


Xiao Yijin never thought that nursery rhymes would question his name one day...

I had no choice but to explain honestly: "In the first year of junior high school, we played online games for the first time. I was too lazy to choose a name. This is also the name Zhuang Yi and the others gave me. Since then, every nickname of my online games has been called this. If it is occupied, add a symbol or something... Lady, I swear to God, this name really doesn't have any special meaning."

"If you don't have it, you don't have it. It's so pitiful. If you don't know, you think I've bullied you. Okay, turn off the light and go to sleep." Tong Yao just turned over, and Xiaobao rushed up with a brisk walk. I fell asleep in nursery rhyme's arms.

He raised his head from time to time, provoking Xiao Yijin with his eyes...

Going abroad soon, Xiao Yijin didn't want to annoy the nursery rhyme at this time, so he had to let Xiaobao show off his might.

On Monday, it was rare for Tong Yao to take notes seriously, when she saw Jiang Ya stuff her phone over excitedly, hugged her arm and whispered, "Nong Yao, nurse rhyme, read it quickly, it's terrible, we're going to fight."

"Ah..." Tong Yao yawned lazily, "Who started fighting?"

"It's not about fighting. It's the basketball league in our university town. The court is full of handsome guys. Last year, our school agreed to the Sports Institute by three points. This year, people from the Sports School are clamoring for revenge." Jiang When Ya thought of the long legs that filled the playground, she felt happy.

The corner of Tong Yao's speechless mouth twitched: "What does that have to do with us? We didn't fight?"

"It's related, of course it's related. It's your man who led the team to end the three-year championship last year!" When Jiang Ya said this, her voice was a little louder with hesitation and over-excitement, and then she caught the eye of the professor in class. knife.

Jiang Ya lowered her head guiltyly, taking advantage of the professor's inattention, she leaned over to the nursery rhyme in a low voice and said, "I've actually inquired about it. The captain of their school's cheerleading team last year actually confessed to Brother Xiao in public last year. This year I don't know if it will come or not."

(End of this chapter)

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