The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 637 Du Chuan Brings Water to Wu Xiaojie

Chapter 637 Du Chuan Brings Water to Wu Xiaojie
It's just that this round is still a preliminary round. If the sports school wins this round, as long as they win in the other group matches, they can still enter the semi-finals.

Originally, Tong Yao had no interest in this kind of competition, but perhaps because of Xiao Yijin's presence on the court, at the critical moment, Tong Yao still couldn't help shouting cheers with the others.

So much later, my voice became a little hoarse.

Tong Yao and Xiao Yijin stood together, they looked like a pair of lovers, it was so seductive.

Wu Jie, Sun Yi and the others stood not far away and watched Tong Yao and Xiao Yijin there, and they sighed repeatedly.

Wu Jie: "Hey, I really didn't expect that the boss would degenerate to such a degree."

Sun Yi: "You haven't seen it when it's even more depraved."

As soon as the words were finished, a little girl ran up to Sun Yi shyly holding water and a towel: "Hi Senior Sun Yi, my name is Mo Yuxin, I... can I treat you to supper?"

A few buddies around were making fun of Sun Yi, but Sun Yi really didn't care much about the relationship right now, so he said, "I'm sorry, junior, I'm not free."

"Oh~" The melon-eating crowd watching the excitement began to mock Sun Yi, and Sun Yi gave them a disgusted look, and strode away.

On the other side, Chen Qing had long been surrounded by a group of little girls.

Wu Jie looked at everyone, felt that he was a little too miserable at this moment, sighed, he walked back to his place, took a towel to wipe his sweat, and was about to reach out to find the water in his bag, when suddenly a beautiful hand He held a bottle of water in front of him.

"Give it to me? Thank you." This was the first time a girl brought him water on the court. Wu Jie smiled happily, showing a row of big white teeth.

The moment he raised his head, his smile froze instantly.

Du Du... Du Chuan...

The water in his hand suddenly became hot. Wu Jie looked at Du Chuan in front of him, and then looked down at the water in his hand, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Now... so many people are watching... Du Chuan...

You shouldn't say anything shocking, right?

Swallowing with difficulty, Wu Jie was about to speak when he heard Du Chuan coldly say, "Are you hungry, let's go for supper?"

"No, I'm not hungry." After Wu Jiecai finished speaking, Du Chuan moved closer to him and whispered, "If you accompany me to dinner today, then you don't have to pay back this month's installment."

Hearing this, Wu Jie's eyes lit up, and he slapped Du Chuan's waist with a slap: "Eat and eat, what a big deal, let's go, let's go when I go back to wash up, or we will eat tomorrow." What kind? Eat with you the day after tomorrow?"

Seeing Wu Jie's flattering face, Du Chuan slapped him on the face: "I only want to eat today, I'll give you 10 minutes, go back and take a shower and change clothes, I'll wait for you downstairs."

This kid is very good at calculating. Does he think that if he eats every day, he can pay off the money in a short time?
Think too much, how could he let him have that kind of opportunity.

Lin Feng and Jiang Ya happened to pass by, and they tilted their heads and asked gossip, "Why do you have to take a shower and change clothes before going to eat?"

When Jiang Ya heard this, a disharmonious picture appeared in her mind, she almost couldn't hold back her laughter, and then she slapped Lin Feng's arm: "Let's go, you are the only one who has more problems."

The nervous Wu Jie was full of thoughts at this moment, he would not have to pay back the money this month after eating one meal, he quickly packed his things and left the gymnasium as if flying.

(End of this chapter)

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