Chapter 638 Please Be More Happy

Du Chuan looked at Wu Jie's leaving back, smiled lightly, and then heard the smiling voice of the nursery rhyme: "Du Chuan, you are really hiding your relationship with the guy, it's okay."

Du Chuan looked back at Tong Yao and Xiao Yijin, then smiled lightly: "I learned this from my sister-in-law."

Xiao Yijin frowned slightly, but did not speak.

Then Du Chuan smiled and said, "Brother, I'm leaving first. By the way, this is the pineapple cake my mother made when I got home a few days ago. She specifically asked me to bring you two boxes."

Du Chuan bent down and handed the paper bag on one side to Tong Yao, then waved to the two of them, and left quickly.

Coming out of the gymnasium, Xiao Yijin didn't hold nursery rhyme's hand, but kept a small step away from her.

This is obviously not in line with common sense.

After walking for a while, nursery rhyme asked a little speechless: "Why are you so far away from me? You're so neurotic."

Xiao Yijin froze for a moment, then turned her head to look at Tong Yao, and said with a smile, "I'm dirty all over, I don't want to get you dirty."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

What the hell is this.

"Yaoyao, I'm very happy with what happened today." As they walked, Xiao Yijin suddenly said something like that.

This made Nursery Rhyme a little confused.

What is he happy about?Are you happy to watch him play?

Seeing Nursery Rhyme's confused face, Xiao Yijin whispered again: "I heard that you declared ownership with that girl, saying that I am your man, and that I am very... domineering."


The nursery rhyme is speechless, Jiang Ya is such a big mouth, she can't sit still for a second.

It's only been a while, and I told Xiao Yijin about it in minutes.

"I'm not promising, I have to be happy about such a little thing." Tong Yao said something to Xiao Yijin in disgust, and then continued to move forward.

Xiao Yijin quickly caught up and said, "I used to always run after you, but now that you finally take the initiative, I'm naturally happy."

Listening to Xiao Yijin's words, Tong Yao, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly and turned around.

Xiao, who was talking, almost stopped the car and bumped into Tong Yao. He looked down at Tong Yao and was about to speak, but Tong Yao suddenly put his arms around his neck, tiptoeing and planted a light kiss on her mouth.

An electric current quickly spread throughout the body.

Before Xiao Yijin could react, Tong Yao ran away in shock, and her smiling voice came from the night sky: "Since you're so happy, then I don't mind making you happier."

Her voice brought back Xiao Yijin's rationality, and when he came back to look for her figure, her figure had already blurred into a point and was about to disappear into the night.

A gust of wind blew by, and the corners of Xiao Yijin's mouth slightly curled up, and she murmured softly: "Then maybe, I want to be happier, stupid girl, today, you're running fast."

Tong Yao trotted all the way back to the dormitory, and closed the door after returning to the dormitory, her heart pounding.

She just ran away, Xiao Yijin should be jumping anxiously behind, right?

Walking to the balcony, she glanced down guiltyly, but couldn't find Xiao Yijin's figure, Tong Yao was inexplicably relieved.

I'm really afraid that guy will catch up.

He reached out and touched his cheek, which was still a little hot.

In fact, Tong Yao herself didn't understand why she suddenly took the initiative to kiss him just now, but at that time she suddenly felt that it was indeed he who had been taking the initiative all along.

And Jiang Ya said that in love, if only one of the two people is trying to catch up and give, and the other party does not respond, then sooner or later such a relationship will go wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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